Tuesday 6 March 2012


Broken lips in an open mouth
Broken skin at my heel
Will bring forth nothing
But broken pieces of yesterday
Tied up in broken parts
In this memory to night this day.

On the hill top I saw not
My broken footprints
But broken shadows darker than in the valley
Because my strength faints
And helpers feeble and frail
There goeth I a fading light
Surrounded by the dark in the eye
Only the mind knows I belief

And I will go forth in strength
In the hope of tomorrow
Though my body aches
My eye dims to flicker its light
Through the dark behind me
Back I shall not turn or return;
Onward ever, awaiting him:
He who will restore it all for me

Saturday 3 March 2012

will she come?

will you pass through to me
or pass me by
the night is come
alone i can not run
at the other side patiently
i lay to wait restlessly
for my angel my dearest
will she come...?