Friday 23 February 2024


Crowded for food in lost hope
in a hunt the axe destroyed their own.

Leaf picking with beaks alone
in feeding and building their home.

Where the roaring winds blow
close to a hanging nest on a pole.

Officially published by Rio Grande Review, 2024. SCI-FI ISSUE. SOLASTALGIA.
Click url below for audio of the poem 

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Look beautiful

Look beautiful!
You are old!
I am young!
This is age, it is a number
which counts only upwards
and means nothing if you don’t count at all
A veces sale el sol
con su brillo brillante
A veces sale el sol
sin su brillo, claro solo.
Ayer miré tu cara
y ella era bonita
Hoy me encanta tu cara
La bonitísima de los rostros.
Y eso es lo que es
para crecer en belleza
lo importante en lo que pensar
Solo un número es la edad
Nunca lo cuentes
Look beautiful!

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Wishing You Well

Like the desert accompanying a hearty meal
I came late but to linger on
little but sweetest
To wish you well
Not like the others...
Not to say farewell
Moments well spent
are purposes well served
Forever in bold memories
I shall them carry on
Though short the moments
Still best the effect
You’ll miss and will be missed
Your place they will take
but never you replace
If not in this exiting space
Ahead lies many more
Only the legs that fit into the shoes
Can say it well how it has been
How dark how hot how soft
Like a fragrance tossed in the open air
Many felt your sweetest savour
And in the heart of the silent many
Your flowers bloom even on desert dunes
I shall not say farewell
but wish you well
today if it is you
tomorrow will be who? 
I shall never say farewell
but always wish you well

Specially for Ms. Davis
Read on her last day at work:

Thursday 18 January 2024

Death is Life

We live in spaces

We leave one space into another

When it ends in one space

It begins in another space

Life never ends, always in motion

And there is no death, but life

Life in another form, in another space

Life is coming

Life is going

Life is meeting

Just as we met them when we came

Others will meet us when they come

And so shall it be when we go


Wednesday 17 January 2024

Smile Of Hope

Smiles like whispers thin
beam on a radiant face

Clouds like mountains 
slowly they penetrate

Words like fertile tiny seeds 
sprout out great oaks of hope

Assurance like indelible signs
the dark clouds soon to roll 

Saturday 23 December 2023

kokrokoo kokrokoo

Kokrokoo Kokrokoo
Waring men in a chase fright 
Poor cockrel in a hasty flight
Sacred abode of the visible noon 
Desecrated below the unseen moon 
Short the sleep of the elders lived
Gone the peace of the green land out
The feathery throat when slashed cried out loud 
A wholesome meal prepared to appease
The raging elders provoked to awake
A restoration of exceeding peace

Kokrokoo Kokrokoo
Three parts the virgin night is divided
The fragile silence soon to be broken
The tired ancient ones to begin
The steps towards their home way
The strong bones of the happy tribe arrayed
Their huts and shelters awake
Three times their unblemished praise
Three times ascend to their mighty maker
Giving way for his sun's rays
Driving away the feared dark

Monday 18 December 2023

Home is where Mama lives!

Away from home
With thoughts at home

Away from home
With this yearn for home
Come home she said, come home!
Home is where mama lives
She lives there who greets with a smile
Old and needs my stronger hold
Gave for nothing in return
Her need for your want
There she looked at you 
Like one from a faraway journey
And lips blessed deeds
Come home she said, Come home!
I heard through the window 
Her voice from another continent
In winter night an angry wind 
Pierces through an icy hand
Unheard cries, borrowed friends, 
On your own and far away from home.
Come home she said, come home!
She never knew I came 
The moment she bid me come
Yesterday I was at home
Because I met her first hug
She is calling me home, calling me
But she doesn’t know I am not home
She is calling me home, calling me
Louder I hear it 
In the mind in an enclosed door  
Where letters and calls me carried 
But not to lie at her side
Yesterday I was at home
You treated me like one of your own
I longed for home away from home
Come home she said, come home
Home is where mama lives…
I am at home: you are home.