Friday, 26 March 2010

Night time scene

It was dark the night sky
with a few lighted stars
tiny they seemed from afar
across the sky where the bats flew,
to and fro they flew,
their piercing echoes,
their giggling and dancing followed
to see them run around
like a fun fare chase.
Then the noise within the gates
from the agile dogs around.
Towards the gates the barking the loudest
footsteps entered the opened gate
a rush like a chase towards the gate
on all four by the protector
who wigged its tail
to welcome him in a hail.
Their barking went out with the closing door
a hand at the inside door
opened up a noisy bout
noisier than the barking
whch filled the room like smoke
leaving slowly through the closed
door and glassy tinted windows
until all was said.
'Too late', one said before
at each other's throat they got
and too late too
to end the noisy show.
All was said by all
that which never pleased all
and the viewing senses.
Then the noise left behind
silence which made the room brighter
then darker when the lights went off.
Occasionally the barking
heard across the distance
transmitted by the soft breeze
which flaps its soft wings
to all passing by.
In this darkness one slept
to see the sun already smiling
when awaken by the birds singing.

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