Friday, 26 March 2010

The darkness

I quickly closed my eyes
In a flash to open
As I thought I will be
In heaven free from
The miseries of our time
But the dark night in there
I wept for those whom the light
could not be processed in their eyes
And though opened it is worth it closed

The darkness of today far out pass
The darkness the blind suffers each day
Darkness that hides the stars and the moon
That stays at noonday allowing the bats to fly
The foxes to ruin the vine
that spreads on the land from one corner
to the other as if with wings of an eagle
and legs of the hare
darkness that cannot be comprehended by the
brilliant and sharpest minds of our time
because our windows are not facing the sun

its seeds are every where
planted by the eyes and the ears
on the most fertile soil of the mind
watered by time with no specific
period to harvest: some our entire life
others the very day it was seen or heard.

They hate the dark the moment it sets
walking with flash lights so they don’t trip
or fall but when they get used to it
they threw away the flash lights
poured out the oil in their lamps and
left their candles in the wind
they , like a pot called the kettle black

this is what the darkness brings,
a wild wind which blows no one any good,
forgets friends who have ever been there.
Join forces with the enemy
against those it sought to protect.
unfulfilled and denied promises
and men are watched to die of thirst
when one man has access to the rivers and lakes

hunger has been created in the land of plenty
and poverty in the coast of gold
our children are turned to thieves and
robbers instead farmers and tin’s men

it kills our hope in broad day life and
our joy runs from our huts in tears not
wanting to return for fear of it.

The darkness that we allowed
And can fight when together
When each not to himself
But the one next to himself
When each will will as he
Wishes to himself for
It has come to stay and has issues
With our children but is that the
generation we wish to leave behind.

From afar my eyes can see across the hills
like tongues of fire , some households,
their flash lights they still have on with
dying batteries, their lamps are half full
but still burning and are still guarding
jealously their candles with their lives
though the wind sought to put out .

let us search the light bearers while
the dark last, turning our windows
into the direction of the sun so that
we can sing the song of joy with it
when it finally passes through.

Let us support the bearers of the light
in any way even the little matters.
Our hope rest on them.

Let us also learn to live with their light
Teaching our children born in the dark
to leave the dark and in the light
it will flee from , darkness, until the
morning comes when the sun passes singing.

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