Friday, 26 March 2010


Ah land in the sky
across the sea
and beyond the desert,
there as far as my eyes can see
is where I would want to be.

We’ve heard of you España
before you passed through Accra.
Your freedom from the moors
by the help of your monarchs
Castilla and Aragón will forever be
the light in your two eyes: her beloved
daughter Isabél and Fernando her noble son.

With wings of an eagle you
rose from your ashes like the phoenix.
Your descovery of the new world
brought gold to your coast making you
richer and a world power.

O España, we heard of you,
of your famous Franco .
Ghana heard of you when Julia
landed on her soil, the green and
golden soil, leaving behind Semana
Cervantes: a celebration which unites
the two of us; leaving behind Lope
de Vega: what promotes your culture
and language; leaving behind Carracol:
the medium to free our minds
and share our rich identity.

Ah España, when will we be with you?
Ah land in the sky
across the sea
and beyond the desert,
here as far as our eyes have seen
is where we would want to be .
España, we’ve heard of you ,
when will we be with you?

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