Monday, 29 March 2010


Everyone has a gift...
It matters not his habitation
It matters not his origination
Remember however little, someone needs it

But it is human when they err
Hide not but aid them
Fight not but change them
Remember we all have our faults

We live to give
They live and we gain
They leave and we lose
Remember the whole world loses

So remember whoever we are, remember
Whatever we do, wherever we are …
We must remember to respect ourselves
Everyone has a gift respect it

Years gone by

It is just like years gone by
In the moonlit night
Sheep and dogs lay thinking
From a glance the smell of peace
But how can the prey feel safe amidst its pursuer?

It is just like years gone by
In the moonlit night
All seated and warmed by the tribe’s fire
Listening to stories of yesteryears
O how can we tell of our fall in the land of the enemy?

It is just like years gone by
in the moonlit night
the blind beggar held on confidently to his boy
into a ditch they all fell
o how could he knew his boy dozed off at each step

but it is just like years gone by
o in the moonlit night
but I can see two lovers in a straw thatch
who were exposed when dim light turned bright
how can their fantasy blindfold their eye of care

How many? how may?

… How many…?
How many times should I ask
before you know I need it?
How many times will say I love you
before you know I mean what I say?
How many children will carry loads and hawk
before you know that living conditions are high?

How many flooding will occur
before you know gutters are silted?
How many wars will occur
before we learn to settle our disputes?
How many times will one react in anger
before you know he cannot stand it?

How many times will I suffer pain
before you realize I am human?
How many deaths will you see
before you respect the sanctity of life?
How much disappointment is needed
before you learn to trust yourself?
How many …? How many…?

At the peak terrible times are forgotten

At the peak,
terrible times are forgotten;
on the water surface,
jagged rocks are hidden below;
in the midst of roses
thorns are found;
in the midst of friends
enemies find their hide out;
on the top of green leaves,
coloured flowers grow;
at the end emerges death and
at the end of death begins life.

tears flow from our eyes

Just a few tarred road
ahead with many dusty ones,
dirt as hot as a corn cob
in our nostrils and our throats,
like a sour and bitter feeling at once
talking about all these injustices.
Dust in our eyes, turning white
our black spot, blinding clearly
even those with thick lenses;
dirt that stains our only white linen
and never goes out if even
applied, the most powerful bleach.
Injustices like dirt fills the air
and almost seen everywhere.
Our bosom friends they pose,
a just course pretend they to uphold,
but deceit and injustice
born and bred by those
who claim to uphold these.
Tears from our eyes they pour,
more than water from a free fall
and suddenly want to swim in whatever
which came out from the poor.

The black and white birds

It is getting dark,
all was hungry,
the birds gathered under the black tree
for their last meal.
The white bird who climbed up
first ate a fruit
and tore the best of the rest
for those on the ground
until they were satisfied.

It is getting dark,
all was hungry,
the birds gathered under the black tree,
the birds to feed.
A black bird who climbed up
first, ate the best of the fruit
and dropped the rest with the worst
after a plea from those on the ground
and until he was full alone.

Friday, 26 March 2010


It clicks without stopping,
all met it, all left it; It marks their
beginning, their end; It might seem too
long when we are to wait for it; It
might also seem short when we
end our enjoyment.
It has answers to our
problems: mending the broken
hearted, the poor becomes rich, the family
becomes a nation, and giving us hope
when the situation is bad.
Who is this? So powerful,
So helpful so feared yet does not
Speak nor have a body; does not move yet
one will always wonder why it is
everywhere; and for how long,
time will always tell.

The missing dance

On their owner’s compound they stayed
And danced to the flute he played
Early in the morning they stayed
As he got ready from where he had lain
In the night under the stars for that day

Around they played in the morning light
They bathed when the branch top suddenly lighted
They flame of danger descending with their noise on high
The noise of the flying caretakers and watchers
Who had seen their flying mate, the devourer.

In haste he flew to fill his plates
Its diamond eyes turned green with hate
As he flew in search a chick to take
And sorrowful the darling hen to make
After the scare of her chicks in that haste

The noise of the little birds came down
As their tiny bodies never touched the ground
The caretakers and watchers of the poor fowl
Blew their trumpets a warning to sound
The untimely death which they frowned

A quick shelter she took after the scare
Under the shade of the tree branches a crowd,
Full of sheep goats and fowls
With the other neighbors and their children to care
Seeing the desperate hawk descend from the clouds

A mother’s tender care never grew dim but bright,
Showed the way when danger starred at the face,
Daring all threats outside the shade
With her whole soul an offering to replace
Her delicate and innocent ones with her life

Out of the shelter
Was she, her chicks and the devourer,
In amazement they scattered around,
Her neighbours starred and watched
As if glued to the ground

An attack from the hawk
A defense from the hen
In the air they met
In a crash after the clash
A battle of survival to fight

In the air away from the hen
The hawk quickly turned,
Again a scatter of cheeks rushing into the shade,
the little birds, their caretakers ,
their noise higher again

a sweep for a chick in an attack,
away into the air again,
the hen has lost again;
bloodless wounds from previous attacks
which for year has accumulate and remained

cries for those victims for years
now like echoes in her ears
the kwi kwi-kwi kwi of her chicks
which has turned bread full of cheese
for the enemies and his kits and keens

he got home when all was
gathered by the hen under the shade, all was
like a funeral gathering full of awe,
a gathering of his goats sheep and fowls
and their silent mournful songs

the sun has long gone down,
the bats and their songs have gone up
in the morning his flute he played
the missing chick , the missing dance
before the normal journey he makes

The shoe

If can only you ask
and answers to questions have
then we’ll understand the shoe
the awkward looking slope
of its dying sole.

Always he had been
A humble servant to his master
Wherever he wished, to places
Wherever he needed to be
His life he gained
The moment one freed him from
The enclosed walled store
To form part of his domain
A part of his body
A servant of the noble feet.

All he saw:
the rich and their lascivious spending,
on parties and celebrations he saw,
on VIP seats he sat and danced
with the famous and well-known,
the most beautiful and handsome,
those whose words either stood
for or against the world.

His appearances on the scenes
described and maintained the status
of his master to the world if he came
sparkling white with the rays of the sun.
unlike those who fell on different soil,
had to breathe in the stale smell and foul
odour from rotten poor feet,
had to get squeezed by heavy and fat feet,
supporting a body like it on top .

several days it could stay
without polish or ordinary brush’s caressing
on its soft and gentle skin.
Who will believe his story
In homes where his passage is through
The droppings of food and animals left
Scattered around, and left to rot;
In places where his wounds
stayed for years without stitches,
No matter how deep they may be.

So if can only you ask
and answers to questions have
then you’ll understand the shoe
the awkward looking slope
of its dying sole.

The faceless assassins

it began right there in the womb
even before their fluids met ,
the war of the faceless assassins
of fathoms that have no boundaries
which multiplies with time
enemies without swords
but cuts and wounds deeply on the
battle field of the mind

there we were to fight to the end,
and if we lose , an end of survival
of good. Here the sun will not rise
till one awakes and feels it is not
reel and if we win, only for a brief
moment before a replacement
of another twice or even more
formidable than it has already been

we fight with our instincts and wits
and all that nature has bestowed on
us seen and unseen even the Devine,
just to survive. How long to survive
Will depend on us and the maker:
Our carelessness, our ignorance,
Our perseverance, our obedience, all.

The harmatan

You who precede the rebirth of the old year
from the north and east you come
the earth to complete her rotation.
Across the Sahara you are blown
floating until your fall on her coast
full of energy and noise
full of gold and an ugliness
which soon is scattered, all apart.

So eager to be seen everywhere:
particles panting
and for air gasping
in a bid to escape
from the north east trade winds terrifying

the fertile ground loses its moisture
it bitter and sour for
plants and crops when of its juice they taste .

A harrowing experience
oh trees who mourn
each time the winds pass
and leave your elderly at their mercy

oh tress who mourn
while animals thirst for water
when the oases are buried
and wells now shallow
only the sheer force of the air blows
A cattle cry precedes it all,
like a warning to vegetable farmers all,
to be alert of an eminent danger .

Our buildings need no paint
where our eyes fail to appreciate beauty
through the misty and foggy weather
this sense of thirst for paint we lose.

A voice which is never heard by our ears
when our eyes are lashed into tears
by the prevailing winds which have opened
the flood gates for a free flow of the nose
of mucus after hearing eyes, his brother cry.

It is six 'o' clock in the morning
but the night still looks young
and refuses to realize
that his grand children
have already taken over from him
while yet alive.
Men enjoy the night
and would wish the morrow never comes.
They go to work late trusting the weather;
when dark coloured skin becomes clear
and white when without a pomade on the skin.

with sand, our rooms are filled
as they fiercely penetrate our covering
the sieves, unaware like thieves
their passing in the broad day light
and in full glare of the eyes

Fruits ripe quickly
people with single cloth to wear
enter the bath after washing their cloths;
return from their bath,
their cloths already dry to wear.

Lips of the newest couple even suffer
from bleeding and cracking
through constant and accepted abuses,
all from the north east trade winds out there.
This nerve cracking experience
minimized when the sky is blue
finally waves bye; comes the cool night
with less hail and dusty winds.

Leaves are in a hurry to fall
the little brush from the air
both dry and green the fall
great pain from mothers
whose daily bread it is
to sweep off the rubbish
again and again on the street.

Little children cry
and class rooms becomes filled with ghost
because of the mild shocks they fear
within the chilly bathing weather.
Men are seen walking in coats
and at night buried in their blanket
even with their wives in their arms
during these winter nights in Accra.

Their shining cocoa butter lips
a sweet smelling savour give.
The prayer of lovers :
that the winds may last ;
but bachelors their stay regret
in an opportunity that will only rear
its beautiful head once, the whole year
when the dry air kisses all good bye.

By Emperor Leander David

The king of the animals

Far far away came a time
When fire was hard to find
The king of the animals
The cock with the red crown
Became king because of the ever
Burning flame of its crown

Far far away he ruled
Away from men a palace
Guarded by the tiger and elephant
In majesty and in awe
He ruled because of the ever
Burning red flame of its crown

Far far away it rained
And all of earth became cold
The trees got soaked, killing
their fires in their huts, leaving
darkness in their eyes except the cock
and his ever burning red flame of its crown

far far away they came
a gathering to enter the palace
but for fear of the king who
sleeps because of the ever
burning red flame of its crown

far far away after the gathering
the tiger the most courageous
sent his daring son
into the palace to light
the fire from the ever
burning red flame of its crown

far far away an uproar
among the animals when
the emissary returned from his quest
to bring home their only hope
failing to light the light from the ever
burning red flame of its crown

far far away came an end to a reign
and life of a noble king an end to
so many years of deception; a scatter
of the royal family into the woods
because they could not light from the ever
burning red flame of its crown

nearer and nearer they came
from far far away into
the abode of men but never to forget
as they reechoed that night of
their departure through the
wild, a crow of their lost glory and crown

Night time scene

It was dark the night sky
with a few lighted stars
tiny they seemed from afar
across the sky where the bats flew,
to and fro they flew,
their piercing echoes,
their giggling and dancing followed
to see them run around
like a fun fare chase.
Then the noise within the gates
from the agile dogs around.
Towards the gates the barking the loudest
footsteps entered the opened gate
a rush like a chase towards the gate
on all four by the protector
who wigged its tail
to welcome him in a hail.
Their barking went out with the closing door
a hand at the inside door
opened up a noisy bout
noisier than the barking
whch filled the room like smoke
leaving slowly through the closed
door and glassy tinted windows
until all was said.
'Too late', one said before
at each other's throat they got
and too late too
to end the noisy show.
All was said by all
that which never pleased all
and the viewing senses.
Then the noise left behind
silence which made the room brighter
then darker when the lights went off.
Occasionally the barking
heard across the distance
transmitted by the soft breeze
which flaps its soft wings
to all passing by.
In this darkness one slept
to see the sun already smiling
when awaken by the birds singing.

The darkness

I quickly closed my eyes
In a flash to open
As I thought I will be
In heaven free from
The miseries of our time
But the dark night in there
I wept for those whom the light
could not be processed in their eyes
And though opened it is worth it closed

The darkness of today far out pass
The darkness the blind suffers each day
Darkness that hides the stars and the moon
That stays at noonday allowing the bats to fly
The foxes to ruin the vine
that spreads on the land from one corner
to the other as if with wings of an eagle
and legs of the hare
darkness that cannot be comprehended by the
brilliant and sharpest minds of our time
because our windows are not facing the sun

its seeds are every where
planted by the eyes and the ears
on the most fertile soil of the mind
watered by time with no specific
period to harvest: some our entire life
others the very day it was seen or heard.

They hate the dark the moment it sets
walking with flash lights so they don’t trip
or fall but when they get used to it
they threw away the flash lights
poured out the oil in their lamps and
left their candles in the wind
they , like a pot called the kettle black

this is what the darkness brings,
a wild wind which blows no one any good,
forgets friends who have ever been there.
Join forces with the enemy
against those it sought to protect.
unfulfilled and denied promises
and men are watched to die of thirst
when one man has access to the rivers and lakes

hunger has been created in the land of plenty
and poverty in the coast of gold
our children are turned to thieves and
robbers instead farmers and tin’s men

it kills our hope in broad day life and
our joy runs from our huts in tears not
wanting to return for fear of it.

The darkness that we allowed
And can fight when together
When each not to himself
But the one next to himself
When each will will as he
Wishes to himself for
It has come to stay and has issues
With our children but is that the
generation we wish to leave behind.

From afar my eyes can see across the hills
like tongues of fire , some households,
their flash lights they still have on with
dying batteries, their lamps are half full
but still burning and are still guarding
jealously their candles with their lives
though the wind sought to put out .

let us search the light bearers while
the dark last, turning our windows
into the direction of the sun so that
we can sing the song of joy with it
when it finally passes through.

Let us support the bearers of the light
in any way even the little matters.
Our hope rest on them.

Let us also learn to live with their light
Teaching our children born in the dark
to leave the dark and in the light
it will flee from , darkness, until the
morning comes when the sun passes singing.

Our gift

Your presence around me for long
has been like a gift,
a precious and valuable gift
that I will trade for no man
not even for Solomon and all his
irresistible charming countenance
and will replace with nothing
not even for the rich lilies in bloom
at moonlit night.

A glory I share not with any, less you.
Out of this gift comes the most loveliest fragrance
like one coming from the
hanging gardens of Babylon,
looking as formidable, high as the pyramids at Giza
and like the light house at Alexandria,
has never failed to bring home to shore
my boat of care even under the most turbulent waves.

A gift I cannot quantify and would want
to wear around me everyday,
its colourful shades like a girdle at noonday.
A gift full of understanding which has fulfilled today
our promise of yesterday
and would last through out
all times if we keep on keeping on:
that we’ll always be faithful.

Many years has passed

So many years of toil and gloom
Has passed before the opening of what
Now echoes from the tombs as bloom
From the grave and around it,
what once blew of foul and obscene
now smiles clearly with cheers
so happy as the new day sun

so many years of crying and wailing:
many waters our eyes have lost
from its permanent home in its host;
when all hope was lost
and the very essence of existence roam
outside our doors and far from reach;
so cool and calm, now as if nothing has happened.

So many years of silence,
When fear wrapped one like mummy in the pyramids
Not to preserve but shake and tear up
The very foundation on which our happiness stood
And it came out
When all never expected the voice to sound
From the mouth when it got opened.

So many years had passed when the
Ugly terrifying noise was heard and
How to act when legs were paralyzed and
What to say when jaws were locked was an issue.
As the day roll by one watched and observed,
Waiting to be set free from all
By one with the best manners of all.

so sad

So sad
So sad I only saw it pass by
and never saw it blossom.

So sad I only called
when was miles away to listen.

So sad I fell from my house in the clouds
when I went searching for you.

So sad I only found moments when all
was tired and could do nothing.

So sad I only feel what I feel
and no one else the same

So sad I only have to tell it knowing
nothing good will come out of it.

So sad you will read it when
all was over and done with.

So sad I have to end these lines
to make myself happy because I am

so sad I only saw it pass by
and never saw it blossom.

Years gone by

It is years gone by
in the moonlit night,
sheep and foxes lie thinking;
From a glance, the smell of peace
but how can the prey feel safe amidst its pursuer?

It s years gone by
in the moonlit night ,
all seated and warmed by the evening’s fire;
listening to stories of yester years
but can we tell of the fall in the hand of the enemy?

It is just like years gone by
in the moonlit night,
the blind beggar held on confidently to his boy,
into a ditch they all fell.
O can he know his boy dozes off at each step?

It is just like years gone by
in the moonlit night,
two lovers, their straw thatch burning,
were exposed as their dim light turned bright.
O how can their fantasy blind fold their eye of care?

the day of our heroes

This is the day
Today the noise of battle ends
The victory song fills the air
The old warrior’s name sinks into our ears
But nowhere to hear them chant it

Today there was something in the sky
The clouds were dark and moon red
The warrior knows best
But to give his people a leader

Today all our cream of soldiers fell
With him a thousand broken limbs
With the scream and shout
Today gives his people victory

Today his achievements float on the earth
Today his body sinks below the earth
Today his soul joins the heroes
Today the heavens open for our hero

...when you feel like going on

It happened again
And this time could not be forgotten
Pride has settled so one has fallen
When you hope for happiness
And came passing by sadness
Staring right at you to quit
When you feel like going on

the kola fruit

It went up so early
In the morning
Before the birds began to sing
And stars disappeared;

This is for no one to see
His curious deep digging.

The kola fruit was going waste
having no one to protect it
yet they climb the tree
To save their dear life.

How easily our love turns hate

Everything is difficult to attain
Yet so easily we seem to lose them
So is love which grows
You need patience in getting you’re your goal
No love develops without it
Your haste could earn you disappointment
No love turns hate with sturdiness
Just like anything at the top without care
It falls easily and damages totally without repair
You nurture love much with time and hate sets in no time
It all disappear and without a trace
As if it never even happened
Yet still strive to get to the top
And everybody wants to be in love
When how to remain there is a mystery

the monthly flow

How long will we bear this
pain and restlessness that
we never caused but bear.
May be crushing their oval eggs
in a frying pan tastes edible but
what crime has one committed
to suffer not finding one
to crush her oval eggs?
What pain and restlessness we bear
which comes out in red
tainting all that it meets .
The flow like an opened pipe as
hot as a corn cob out of the fire.
Forever we’ve been born
into this restlessness and pain
abetting the murder of our babes
before their feet they gained .
Forever we’ve been born
into this restlessness and pain
to feel weak and pale
fearing to sit for long
as each month comes along;
all because no one yet
has crushed our oval eggs.
Birds will themselves crush their eggs
with their beaks or warmth,
to destroy or bring out their kind;
we sit and watch our children die
out of us every time.
Such heinous crime of murder,
watched and accepted the world over,
because we cannot crush our oval eggs
if no one else did it.

The new year

Every time the sun goes down our
Moon changes its shapes each night
And will set-in what will usher in
the new year ; like a match pass
they will come along the dusty roads
into where the hazy winds will blow.
There in their nostrils they will be,
Placidly amidst the noise and haste
Beside a scramble for goats and fowls:
Alive or sick or tiny they can be for their
Blood only, which is shed happily for a celebration
On the poor soil who only mourns the sad death
Of a fellow creature like himself.
A bloodless fight of fork and knife
Over who to enter mouth
And their struggle to enter mouth
Is heard as they wait for the clap
Of the poor and helpless plate on the table.
Into the air sounds of rockets
And blurring from loudspeakers
keep the noisy awake on guard
a worthless fortune , an invaded castle
of the placid as they lie in wait,
wishing the night to pass by.
When all is over , the bloody
Joyful moment is remembered with
The lips and told by the proud;
How they caused t mourn, the ground
While the silent moon and sun consoled.

Lizy Hammond

Early in the morning
before the sun got dressed
in its regalia ready to work,
the phone rang to make another
count of the falling green leaf:
fresh full of moisture and luster,
a splendor more luminous than
the flower.

It wasn’t the first that ever fell green,
Two more had already been captured
by the eye, all green they fell to add
to the countless brown dried leaves
scattered under our watch whose
crunching song our feet sang, an
untimely moment, an unbelievable
scene an unfinished race to men of
good will.

Although not like the others that fell,
will soon be like them: all those the
ripper visited, harvesting their joy and
love and their all; leaving pain and hurt
and hopelessness behind, bloodless
wounds that would not heal for the rest
of our days before another visit, an
untold visit, once, to us all.

Two lovers

They walked in peace although the world
around them, knew not they: as they
were guided by the sight of the mind and
the heart, hand in hand they walked ,
with one leading the way, two blind lovers
they were, descending the stairs.

They smiled at each other as if they could
see each other’s smile as they chart along the
Path way in their own world of love which they
felt because they only believed; regardless
of the beauty of the eye : ugly or pretty.

Under the shade of the dark sky lighted by the
flame of the fire burning from within them,
brightening their path, two lovers walking side
by side, apart from each other as their eyes looked
at the different sceneries and heard,
their ears, the romantic parting song
of the thorn birds.

On their way up stairs, two blind
lovers in harmony with each other,
arms entwined, following the echo
Of the sound of those passing by:
their guide and guard; from an unseen
point to a known destination dodging
all on their way with care, arriving
safely at the top.


Ah land in the sky
across the sea
and beyond the desert,
there as far as my eyes can see
is where I would want to be.

We’ve heard of you España
before you passed through Accra.
Your freedom from the moors
by the help of your monarchs
Castilla and Aragón will forever be
the light in your two eyes: her beloved
daughter Isabél and Fernando her noble son.

With wings of an eagle you
rose from your ashes like the phoenix.
Your descovery of the new world
brought gold to your coast making you
richer and a world power.

O España, we heard of you,
of your famous Franco .
Ghana heard of you when Julia
landed on her soil, the green and
golden soil, leaving behind Semana
Cervantes: a celebration which unites
the two of us; leaving behind Lope
de Vega: what promotes your culture
and language; leaving behind Carracol:
the medium to free our minds
and share our rich identity.

Ah España, when will we be with you?
Ah land in the sky
across the sea
and beyond the desert,
here as far as our eyes have seen
is where we would want to be .
España, we’ve heard of you ,
when will we be with you?

… I am, to form

A soul I am, empty and
Motionless until I receive
My bride from where
it has been lain asleep
for ages, a spirit form
which becomes one with
me, a living soul to form;

a joint I am, soft and
immobile until I receive in
my house a distinguished
guest who will abide
with me, hard and mobile
a bone of my skeleton to form;

a thought form I am,
and driven by the will,
a vehicle which runs faster
than the deer in chase of the
intents of the heart,
like flesh it takes a garb
to materialize into a concrete form;

a woman I am , into this world
I came to search for him
whom I have longed for
even before I was
born, the route to his
home lies within me, to
master the world he had formed.

My kind

My ears could not bear the noise ahead,
Stranger! as he turned.
He was running,
Run for your life!
As he passed me by.

A few steps forward another one of his kind,
at his heel to escape,
But one leg broken;
how far can this lizard go?
It looked at me quickly,
as if to say, not of his kind!

Avery rough, black stretched hard mat,
another with yellow wings laid,
so beautifully laid by death;
who told you he pities the beautiful.

The dusty winds blew,
among them the dry and green leaves;
in any direction they went
only at the mercy of the wind.

That afternoon on that lonely road,
alone I passed accompanied by their songs:
birds of different colours and sizes,
all flew backward as if to warn me.
The echoes of their song made me afraid
as I neared them, my heart beat faster,
almost came out but my ribs my support,
I controlled myself.

Man my kind, cut their brother with a saw,
destroyed his children with a harrow:
Not anymore the united members of the family;
Not anymore but huge buildings and streets.

The rains returned

It is raining, the grasses
The crops and trees smiling,
The ground in mourning,
Having to swallow more than enough.
Like a heated machine the sky
Full of dark clouds
All wanting to fall on
The plants and animals alike.

It took a smile at people
Preparing to end their work
At the markets and on the streets
Running to their destinations
Holding their breast
with Anything to cover their hair
holding their pockets
so they fall not off .

They destroy buildings, lengthening the course
leaving deep covered drains silted
reducing drain sizes to rounded tunnels
water then runs up our throats
and rubbish moves through it
like a chocolate cornflake drink
taking along anything on its course
Not to the sea and lake but rooms and streets.

Their prayer to soon get to their destination
To soon stop the rain
But under a tree
To hide their wet cloths
The sun, sun, yes! the sun
It’s heard, his name every where
On every lips like a saviour of the day
When it finally shows up

It’s soon forgotten his deed
When the earth dries up and
For ages thirst for water
When rooms sweat and
vapour rises into the sky
Their plea like a constant prayer
Which will not be refused
Then the dark clouds to rain again.

The funeral drums

The funeral drums had long passed
And our memories still sounded echoes in air
The land has been bright quiet and fair
It has enjoyed calm without a cry
and they wish it were forever
never to return home again

From afar held his stick higher the drum beater
His drum close to the ground preparing to sound
Beating its skin it’s true
Another death but whom
The last time it was outside my neighbourhood
Today inside my house yet whom
My mother followed my dad into the grave but my wife
I could hear, her voice hollowed and worn out
She weeps like never before

Sh..!! Sh..!! The name she screams
Like... Baboni her son, my son
Ah..! Oh no! Not my son!
It cannot be true
Strong he was when I left
Thirty years ago I left,
Then a baby my son,
now a pity my son
not to see you but your corpse

We search and search

You search for your privacy
and you’ll have loneliness.
You search for love
and you’ll split with hate.
You search for a man
and you’ll have a beast by you.
You search for a woman
and you’ll have a ghost when needed.
You search for success
And you’ll not endure to the end.
You search for peace
and you’ll fight without a cause.
You search for long life
And you’ll destroy your body.
You search to be a leader
and you’ll refuse to serve.
You search for everything
and you’ll settle at nothing.

The useful past

When what is happening trembles
one wishes for the impossible,
we wish to have around
people when miles away,
we wish to bring back the past
which lies buried in the present.

When everything is in place
we lose our guard and play:
failing to value those and what matters
when close to us they stay.
The past and its mistakes awake
and we fall prey again.


Our world well made
with its inhabitants well created
had virtue the iron thread which held all things.

One night when all was quiet
I saw virtue cut,
so loud was its cry;
not only was it cut but into pieces
and thrown into a bottomless pit.

O virtue how helpful you have been
for me and for all
but had no one to support you
let alone myself.

I nearly lost my life and all dear to me;
now it is not the same world anymore;
it is so crooked one hardly walks without bending.
Ah virtue our friend now our enemy,
then was so near now very far from us.
Pretense is now the thin thread around and away;
through the streets and the alleys, none even mourns the
the untimely death of virtue.

The cemetery

One lives there, the mornings are quiet
busy the afternoons with several noises
starting from animals, man and man-made things.
Noise that are allowed and sometimes enjoyed,
but the hot afternoon’s noise, the saddest of them all.
The cemetery, melodious birds, tooting horns,
moaning and groaning; as if it will not end, yet
soon after the moaning and groaning, only the birds
remained after the cars are moved accompanied
by their blaring dirges and tooting horns.

The cemetery, very lonely yet full of all sorts of people:
the rich and poor, proud and haughty, the commoner
and the well-known.
The cemetery, not lively yet underneath the tombs
an active life continues with joy and abundance: that of
termites, that of worms.
The cemetery full of the dead yet above the tombs the
green grasses, the beautiful flowers the trees; one cannot
leave out the rodents and grasshoppers .
the cemetery the end of all our woes and troubles;
from there our moaning ends so our groaning

She lives there too most beautiful most loved,
filled with humour , warmth and passion; all wanted
her: her charming smile and eyes but feared to go there
often; the scary scraps, the bony tombs: feared all, though
painted white.

The cemetery our lovers,
the cemetery where our memories end,
the cemetery our life dodges;
yet in death we search the cemetery,
the cemetery to embrace us.

Do you know?

Do you know how it feels
to fall sick and ill
Suddenly your best no more?

Do you know how it feels
to take the lead
and become the least;
When for something you’re known,
failure , so can no more own;
living a life full of trauma and Regret
yet a march to the end?

Do you or not know how it feels?
I know what it feels,
But for you I’m healed.

Their presence

Where the women are
the minds stir up
and hearts made glad;
where the women lack
Stare clouds the mind as
gladness flees the heart.

My teacher

Among the birds I was
Like them I was
until he found me .
Into an eagle he turned me,
How to fly he taught me,
Into the sky he taught me.
Although not gone into the moon I
yet grateful still am I
that he made to fly
not just like an eagle
but also without perching.

Símbolo de amor

What is the symbol of love?
The heart for ages have been
When we feel what we love
When we feel who we love
Now we see before we love
Honesty has turned pretence
Just to be accepted
A game to play with our feelings
Controlling the turn of events
With the symbol our mind
An unreliable mine
Only to realize it’s not ours

She walks in beauty

She walks in beauty
Like the gentle dangling
Of the falling leaf from the baobab
In the moonlit night
Moistened by the soft calm breeze
Running into the arms of the gentle dew
Showing the sparkling of its
Diamond reflection in the fearful dark.

Full of bangles at her wrist
Full moon shaped ear rings
Showing its radiance
When the full rays settle on it.
Her unpolished cheeks the dark hides;
Her smiling nose and charming eyes reveals.
So irresistible one cannot say good bye
When with her alone.

The centre of the universe she is
At her feet lie undiscovered treasures
All that the ears heard but saw not
The brightening star that shines through my night
Drags to herself all those with breath
A queen to behold her ornaments
Her walk so graceful, redefines elegance
When beside her alone.

Her charm the magicians can’t fathom
Her touch changes base metals to gold
The Lingering warmth in her arms
Is enough to thaw my icy nerves
Pain dies away giving birth to cheerful memories
A descendant of the face that sank a thousand ships
And brought down topless towers
Made men immortal with kisses
So wonderful the thought of it
When around her alone.

Like a nursery to crops
Like the shade it gives
We lie low on her brow
Like babies for a suck
A tender care in wait
For generations yet unborn
From far through the hazy and windy night
She still walks in beauty
Alone when away from her.

It was over

Even before you were born
After the first breath of life
The crawling and walking
Your first cry and smile
It has been over.

For ages it was over
But yet to begin
From the beginning
Started all,
And none to escape from its hold.
No one wanted to continue
Everyone wanted to end.
Nowhere to go now
Nothing to do
My steps I cannot make
My journey a standstill it came.
Exhausted and worn-out
Trembling and terrifying
It is all over.

No more waking up
To be late for classes
No more writing exams
No more waiting for results,
No more changing of time tables
When preparations are made.
All alone you will be
Away from all of these
Rowdy and noisy confusion
Into a quiet and calm
But a higher depth to drown
With the least error.

My life, uncontrolled actions
My actions, all alone I bear.
In my dark room
I might find my way there
With the light from within:
The unseen light my guide.
I would succeed because
It was over long before
I even started, it was over.

I never knew

I never knew it will come
But I had it and believed it.
With all expectation I waited
Waited and waited to no avail.

The promise was not fulfilled
These were words freely uttered
How harmless they seemed
Now an agitation in the mind
Unfufilment that is what happened
Anger and hate that is what is happening

This could cause separation
When enmity breaks relationships
Most often they forget and focus
what occupied their minds instead
Your reaction should delay because

something could happen on course
Your action, be mindful
And remember yesterday
And their role in our lives

Dark night

Soon the sun’s song
With dark light leading
Clears the dark night
Runs my night my dark
To a place of no return

Soon my happiness
Kept so long under keys
Deep down the depths
Only the fishes
Their fiery firing eyes

Soon the divers with
All set for rescue
Lost their trail
Tossed and turned
With the wave the guard

Among those with speech
My cover I took
My hide was uncovered
The sun my friend
Soon gave way to rest

All alone I was
Quiet but within in a
Noisy confusion
Waiting to explode
The magma soon to erupt

Soon winter saw summer
Soon autumn saw spring
I was not seen or heard.
… run my night my darkness
As the sun soon sings


It happened again...
Sounded friendly
Yet brought out effects
Of serious hurt and damage.

That is what it does:
Jealousy, when I mentioned her name
And anything about her.
It destroyed everything we created:
All our warm conversations,
Brought out all our secrets
Caused pains and aches.

This is it, a mere word
Sounds friendly but brings out
Effects of serious hurt and damage:
The desire to call you
What to talk about.
The fear of it all made me a prisoner.

Jealousy, it comes and goes
Jealousy, for only a brief moment
But nothing can stop jealousy
If allowed once.


It happened again...
Sounded friendly
Yet brought out effects
Of serious hurt and damage.

That is what it does:
Jealousy, when I mentioned her name
And anything about her.
It destroyed everything we created:
All our warm conversations,
Brought out all our secrets
Caused pains and aches.

This is it, a mere word
Sounds friendly but brings out
Effects of serious hurt and damage:
The desire to call you
What to talk about.
The fear of it all made me a prisoner.

Jealousy, it comes and goes
Jealousy, for only a brief moment
But nothing can stop jealousy
If allowed once.

Our boat comes

I was not the first the boat brought
From far and near other boats sailed.
Even my arrival on shore,
A lot more had already arrived,
A lot more to set sail.
I knew all these but one
When it will come for me.

We gained our life the moment we arrived
We lost our lives the moment it came for us
No one has ever been left out here
No matter how long
Some of us returned the moment they arrived
Never had the chance to enjoy and toil
Those who stayed wondered without end
Wondered when they will also depart
From this earth and its inhabitants

Those who had their stake deep
Feared to go because they felt part of earth
Death which gives life unending
They never want to hear:
That which will make our leaving smooth.


I searched through the creeks and crevices
The nook and cranny the scattered bits and pieces,
The alleys and desolate places
And meticulously I chose you, my lotus
Like a bride will choose her wedding gown.
You were seen surrounded by the rot yet
Within you lies a vessel so purer than the lilies in bloom.
Your steps I followed
Like a shadow of an object at noon day
Like a sun flower directed by the rays of the sun
Until you entered her womb.
You’ve been gone for long
And I thought your silence was forever.
There in the womb
I saw your smile,
Read your mind and felt your pulse.
Today the chains of silence was broken and
Again the angelic tone was heard
Like the feeling when opening a treasure vault
And I can now not wait to possess your sparkling treasures
Which like the innocent gentle white lilies
Had been safely and long guarded.

One met them

One met them on the major roads
Talking to themselves as they swept
The scattered pieces and bits roaming
In the pot holes and puddles left
In the gutters and as if not knowing
They were been watched.

On the pavements they are seen
With just a single cloth to tie
A baby around their waist line
So forlorn and dejected a scene
They passed in flip flops for a hire
As their toes almost touched the ground.

In their huts and shelters the Rains leaked
And formed a pool of bed
To feed their babies water dripped
From their breast making their dear
Babies grow lean and weak.

At the bus terminals like strangers
They stir as one by passes
Their dirty trousers thorn and patched
Can hardly on both legs walk but hop
Seeing clearly through the hat covered face
Beneath which a dusty mind stayed.

Under the shade

He sits quietly under the shade
Towards the shining light
Where a twelve pillar court stands with
The roof: the sky and around it
The rooms like a wall.
His head raised high into the heavens
As if could see the host and the celestial
City from where the rooms are linked
to form its own wall.

He travels not knowing where to go
Like a bird on the horizon moving
to and fro the brightness and dimness
and the outcome so devastating to
cause writings perceived as hairs of
brown roots, coloured and scattered
all over the side of a building where
the light smiled at.

Life he views like a changing sky,
a blue plane, scattered with gray
patches of clouds which might soon
vanish or at a point be gathered
together like an apex of group of
mountains in the plain sky;
like the series of layers of the earth
crust hanging in the air. He hangs in
this silence as he makes this journey
without movement of body but
thoughts and senses.

The light can be so dim, bright,
so bright before it finally becomes
dim like one in preparation to go off.
Before the darkness sets in, in their
midst unnoticed, he made his journey
to this unknown land formless without
earth, plants, animals and humans yet
full of live images captured by the mind
which last as long as one wishes.

The light is very dim now, and one
knows not when it will finally go off.
They hurry to enter into safety: the lizard
into its creeping hole; men their huts, birds
their perching branches before the darkness,
sets in like a preparation of an unpreventable
doom. The trees and plants will die of
loneliness and they will rot in the buildings
around them, a grave only to be resurrected
when the dark wakes up.

is it al to it?

Is it all to it?
Is it all about being careful?
What about married men and women
Where one stays faithful
Giving in only to one unfaithful.
Is it all to it?
What about new born babies
Who have no choice when
Entering into this world
Or made to play a role to choose
Which parent to stay with:
Rich or poor, sick or well?
Yet we look on
With all scorn
Against those with AIDS,
Against those to them who give aid.
All because they were careless
But were they all?
Help AIDS victims live!
Help all AIDS foundations
Free the world of AIDS.