Thursday, 10 December 2009

in a woman's eyes

What's in a woman’s eyes?
It calls and you obey
it might be harsh
without complain
it stops the hurry
the busy goes on break
and will wish it were the whole day.

It shines in her eyes like Venus
which begins the day
which draws it to a close.
It is captivating like the glue
the nectar which makes the insects stay;
the invisible chain that
Only words can lock and unlock.

Sounds sweet soothing so serene

like music in the ears it entertains,
like the humming of bees from afar
heard with the ears of a deer
On guard against a predator.
What is in a woman’s eyes?

It speaks to me
as I look at her
and will always want to hear her reply.

Dazed not by the rays that touched my being
oh cover my eyes its open bare banks
They must lose not their moisture
when all go and afar she is
when all go even with their green memories
which in a watch leaves none standing.
Will the bile of this gall sprinkle?

What is in a woman’s eye
that permeates the heart
and causes it to bleed when her shadow parts
even by the hands which aided her once to live

What is in a woman’s eye
which makes me feel
cut and uprooted
right from the source
left naked to a viewing sky

What's in her eyes
blown asunder
aimlessly scattered
hot bare earth
scorched dry their greens
will spring on its feet
when she rains again

You I see fly
your coloured dangling I see
Them I reminisce
their gentle touches
as they silently stray
into restricted portions
Oh what I see in your eyes

Before I bid you come
and embrace that warmth
I part with part of my whole
while I allow your settling dust
and now all I have
I see it fly

Through your eyes
not coming back I know
I see it fly
toil and gloom the years earned
What I see fly
only a minute slumber

Through your eyes I see it fly
all gone now with your flight
Only the heart where it once remained
What is in your eyes

Oh women, what wondrous work!
If our cherished women will only
know what is in
their eyes.

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