Remarkable the first time
Wonderful the second
With the fear of cold
I passed without a coat
For myself to be soaked
After being fed to choke
By the pretty hands of pretty feet
To myself I always listened
To others I didn’t listen
My pride was humbled
And felt ashamed to listen
Now that that I needed to listen
I went through the mill
After neglecting pleasant advice
From the pretty lips of pretty feet
A raging storm there was
A turbulent fall it was
When I passed without a coat
For myself to be soaked
But a burning furnace from within
Kept me warm from without
A feeling so remarkable and wonderful
From my radiant heart
Towards pretty feet
For all her tender care
For all her unfailing kindness
For all her irreplaceable company
I bought her a selfless gift
From the gift shop of my heart
That she be slow to depart
From where the heart formed the pact
For the greatest gift of love
Is to be loved back

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