Thursday, 10 December 2009

the cemetary

One lives there, the mornings are quiet
Busy the afternoons with several noises
Starting from animals, man and manmade things
Noises that are allowed and sometimes enjoyed
But the hot afternoons’ noise the saddest of all
The cemetery, melodious birds,
Tooting horns, moaning and groaning as if
It would not end but soon after the moaning and groaning.
Only the birds remained after the cars are moved
Accompanied by blaring dirges and tooting horns.

The cemetery, very lonely yet full of all sort of people
The rich and poor, proud and haughty,
The commoner, the well known
The cemetery, not lively yet underneath the tombs
An active life continues with joy and abundance
That of termites that of worms
The cemetery full of the dead yet above the tombs
The green grasses, the beautiful flowers the trees
One cannot leave out the rodents and grasshoppers
The cemetery the end of all our woes and troubles
From, there our moaning ends so our groaning

She lives there too most beautiful most loved
Filled with humor warmth and passion
All wanted her charming smile and eyes
But feared to go there often, the scary scraps
The bony tombs feared all though painted white

The cemetery our lovers
The cemetery where our memories end
The cemetery our life dodges
Yet in death we search the cemetery
The cemetery to embrace it

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