Saturday, 19 December 2009
a mother's voice could be heard too
like one havng in her arms a baby.
to make her stop crying she sings
to make her happy at her she smiles
and her touch one could still feel from the distance.
They told us she stopped her cries
as soon as she first heard us cry
she rushed to have us on her side
in her arms even in her pain
because the fear to see us die
was gone even without a trace.
For giving us all we needed
our first food from within
when we lay under her jealous watch
wrapped in silky white linen,
the honour and pride beaming
from her face towards us.
Everything she did for us
some we acknowledged whereas
others caught our blind eye.
We will wipe your tears mother
your land well watered
now grows wealth unexploited.
Oh weep not wipe your tears
your crops gave double harvest
your barns now fully filled
will no more you wake
the early birds and their songs
for no more your time to work.
Oh smile and laugh aloud wipe your tears
enjoy the bliss what your
hands have created what your
mind has formed what your
eyes have watched and guarded
now the monarch of far and near.
Wherever your soul lies weep no more
for those tears of love you shed
on us like ripples still moving and spreading
across the circumference of our soul
and will last before the rainy day comes
even if the sun should set no more
It freshens the day
receives all the gay
into its bosum
our sweaty afternoons
a constant refreshing source
which goes on without a stop;
part of the building block
nature's own portion
separated from the top
to its present position
an everlasting treasure unlocks;
a source of free food
only if we can
that art to master
only a little hand
to manage its hook;
a plesurable sight for all
both near and afar
a light through it all
forms a rainbow from afar
and viewed from their hut;
a legacy to guard and keep
yet what do we see:
the point to empty our cespits
the coloured odour and poison
is tasted with the nose;
others who stand and watch
worst offenders and guilty
smiling assassins of the voiceless fish
the dying aquatic plants and animals
the groaning sea lingers on;
our sea nature's gift
how long this freshness and food
how long our pleasure and legacy...
if it solely sings
and they chart, its audience.
the new infant
the moon on a stroll
when to yet another gathering he was invited:
the bright and morning star to accompany,
the new infant to see
With unique brightness it gazed
hearing from afar recitals and songs
to accept yet another infant
in joy as they gathered;
All in his presence,
the infant to wish the best.
That morning with birds singing,
the rush through the thick thickets ...
A woman in labour a baby's cry...
So they gather together today,
early with the moon,
the infant to see,
water falling from the roof on her,
her cry on the ground: she is alive,
Water and corn drink to taste,
with gifts, in joy and hope
this infant to wish the very best.
Our furious friend
their heads like a wedge carries all loads
on the sun their only hope
a time was so amiable so gentle
when men knew little until
men learnt to use the coal
build machines and industries
test nuclear bombs enter into space.
Now the friend of man
an enemy has turned
like upwelling magma to burn
leaving the skin with rashes and cancer
wetting our cloths with sweat
choking public buses filled with passengers
as everywhere the smell of sweat.
Traffic jam on a hot afternoon
and one's spirit wants to eject
from the slow moving vehicle.
This heat in extreme wakes you up
when asleep you fall
every eye listens every ear watches attentively
their sweet audible voices to hear
of those who carried their entire world
on a wedge like their head
to face the wrath of a furious friend.
Night time scene
was dark the night sky
tiny they seemed from afar
across the sky where the bats flew,
to and fro they flew,
their piercing echoes,
their giggling and dancing followed
to see them run around
like a fun fare chase.
Then the noise within the gates
from the agile dogs around.
Towards the gates the barking the loudest
footsteps entered the opened gate
a rush like a chase towards the gate
on all four by the protector
who wigged its tail
to welcome him in a hail.
Their barking went out with the closing door
a hand at the inside door
opened up a noisy bout
noisier than the barking
whch filled the room like smoke
leaving slowly through the closed
door and glassy tinted windows
until all was said.
'Too late', one said before
at each other's throat they got
and too late too
to end the noisy show.
All was said by all
that which never pleased all
and the viewing senses.
Then the noise left behind
silence which made the room brighter
then darker when the lights went off.
Occasionally the barking
heard across the distance
transmitted by the soft breeze
which flaps its soft wings
to all passing by.
In this darkness one slept
to see the sun already smiling
when awaken by the birds singing.
A rescue of the leaf
into any direction to bear the turbulent current of the air.
Here the leaf floats so light for a soul
so filled with sorrow to be meat for goats.
Oh its cry so loud was heard by the clouds
sent rain from on high to hide its cry.
A reprieve it had when the sun was hid
for how long will last for soon the clouds run.
tell me like it is
like a story told to a child
very simple and precise
all, tell it .
From the first moment the rays
fell on your eyes
laying the foundation of your glorious fountain
which has never known dryness.
Tell it,
tell me like it is
like the tremendous effort
very gentle and relieving
all, tell it.
From the moment your feelings
turned into rain clouds
which flooded your eyes
bringing all activities to a standstill.
Tell it,
tell me like it is
like a song to send you to sleep
which opens up from the bottomless pit
where it's been chained
all , tell it.
How soothing and relaxing one
feels finally when it's set free
to awake and realize has been sleeping.
Oh tell me,
tell me like it is
like the first step of a child
very difficult and slow
all, tell me.
For i am determined and ready
to embark on whatever journey
if only what to do or say i know
only to make you fall in love.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
the wish
The day you came head
Down in your birthday suit
All covered in crystal.
I wish I can say it all
Without forgetting any
Without hurting any
All what I feel within me
I wish this feeling
Of joy whenever I near you
Of sadness whenever I leave you
All will one day come out
I wish it wasn’t a wish
But real a happening
A manifestation of love
Not from one but from all
Thursday, 10 December 2009
feel free, i'll understand
Don’t hide anything.
Feel free and talk to me
For my shoulders lie in wait
For years have not heard any cry
Or got soaked by any tear.
Soft and tender to receive you,
Oh feel free and talk to me.
Can we continue like this?
Silent and all alone,
Claim happy when moody,
Quick to anger, refuse food,
Deep and frequent sighing,
Reject comfort from lovers
And forget the essence of life?
How long and will it last
When several death stunts
Are imprinted on the mind?
We die and soon no more.
Forgetting what we try avoiding
Stays even when away.
So, why not solve it
While friends remain faithful
And enemies stay far off?
While the problem still at bud stage
And would need little effort to resolve.
Even when short of words
And know not where to start.
Just open your mouth with any sound
Feel free, talk, I’ll understand.
the cemetary
One lives there, the mornings are quiet
Busy the afternoons with several noises
Starting from animals, man and manmade things
Noises that are allowed and sometimes enjoyed
But the hot afternoons’ noise the saddest of all
The cemetery, melodious birds,
Tooting horns, moaning and groaning as if
It would not end but soon after the moaning and groaning.
Only the birds remained after the cars are moved
Accompanied by blaring dirges and tooting horns.
The cemetery, very lonely yet full of all sort of people
The rich and poor, proud and haughty,
The commoner, the well known
The cemetery, not lively yet underneath the tombs
An active life continues with joy and abundance
That of termites that of worms
The cemetery full of the dead yet above the tombs
The green grasses, the beautiful flowers the trees
One cannot leave out the rodents and grasshoppers
The cemetery the end of all our woes and troubles
From, there our moaning ends so our groaning
She lives there too most beautiful most loved
Filled with humor warmth and passion
All wanted her charming smile and eyes
But feared to go there often, the scary scraps
The bony tombs feared all though painted white
The cemetery our lovers
The cemetery where our memories end
The cemetery our life dodges
Yet in death we search the cemetery
The cemetery to embrace it
in a woman's eyes
What's in a woman’s eyes?
It calls and you obey
it might be harsh
without complain
it stops the hurry
the busy goes on break
and will wish it were the whole day.
It shines in her eyes like Venus
which begins the day
which draws it to a close.
It is captivating like the glue
the nectar which makes the insects stay;
the invisible chain that
Only words can lock and unlock.
Sounds sweet soothing so serene
like the humming of bees from afar
heard with the ears of a deer
On guard against a predator.
What is in a woman’s eyes?
It speaks to me
as I look at her
and will always want to hear her reply.
Dazed not by the rays that touched my being
If our cherished women will only
know what is in
their eyes.
The Greatest Gift

Remarkable the first time
Wonderful the second
With the fear of cold
I passed without a coat
For myself to be soaked
After being fed to choke
By the pretty hands of pretty feet
To myself I always listened
To others I didn’t listen
My pride was humbled
And felt ashamed to listen
Now that that I needed to listen
I went through the mill
After neglecting pleasant advice
From the pretty lips of pretty feet
A raging storm there was
A turbulent fall it was
When I passed without a coat
For myself to be soaked
But a burning furnace from within
Kept me warm from without
A feeling so remarkable and wonderful
From my radiant heart
Towards pretty feet
For all her tender care
For all her unfailing kindness
For all her irreplaceable company
I bought her a selfless gift
From the gift shop of my heart
That she be slow to depart
From where the heart formed the pact
For the greatest gift of love
Is to be loved back

In the high horizon, a tall tree
With branches broader
The crow perched but a pest
Caused it to toss and turn
The vulture allowed a while
For a calm after the cry.
I watched while away
Like a cat and an aggressive mouse
Which over a meat to chew
Had a bout so terrible
None to the rescue but the meat
As it lay aside
In wait a prize
For the victor after his victory.
The peace after the noisy struggle
The pieces after the consumption
A handshake, a smile
A tap on the shoulder
Just enough for a restoration
Of enmity for serenity.
A long lasting legacy
Of a calm after the cry.
just asking
To fall sick, ill or deform
And suddenly your best no more?
Do you know...?
You take the lead at the top
And latter the least at the bottom
When for something you are known
But and failure so can no more own
…how it feels?
Living a life of trauma and regret
But must march to the end
He knows how it feels
Which was what he felt
Now he is free
Thanks to you
I am proud you are my Daddy
One was left to
Be fed by their fingers to
Be watched by their eyes to
Realize after growing up
That there are others like them
Who hate me and them
Because of how they brought me up
I am proud of you Dad
For your name was among
The few meaningful words that
I learnt to call and remember
When this unknown world I first entered
I am proud of your earthly
Protection from hunger, the valgaries
Of the weather, diseases and foes
After entering this shameful
And unknown world of wickedness
I am proud of your home
Which unknowingly thought me
To be disciplined have charity and
Respect towards my fellow beings
Showing reverence to the heavenly father
I am proud of you Dad
For your deep tender love which
Has been a measure for those
Who come my way as suitors
In this world full of hurt and drudgery
I am proud of all the advice
And curfew, the firmness and
Harshness with which you met
My youthful actions helping to build
My internal treasure of pride
I am proud to have you as my Dad
For your ever opened arms
When all other love will fail
A love of purity without condition
In the world of change and decay