Saturday 18 May 2024

Words can't say it all

I said it all to you, oh wind
“That this is not the place”
And left a part concealed
But I will say these few words

Going is like broken mirrors patched with glue when told
Like white linen soiled with palm oil
Going is like the lonely silence
The hands which yearn a touch
The cries which pour out on hearing a loss

Gone with the truth
Firmness, politeness, fairness
With her smile, patience
Her repetition and understanding
When will there be another like you
I can’t stop asking even when I know there is no answer
I am glad I was in your final class
Those who enjoyed your best the last 

some things are best not said
Some things
words cannot say them all

Like today, 
like yesterday
Like the last day of class
What I will say
It might be long
Don’t be gone for long
Let the contact be long

Prof. Garabano
At her last class meeting

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