Monday, 2 May 2016

I sing another dirge tonight

Amεtee gidigidi
amεba dεkεdεkε
kε amεkoto sεε kpεnshεε kpεnshεε

I will tell you of the times
The times before the fall
Even before the worms
eat up my leaves

Como un encuentro
el encuentro de Korle e Insho
se moverán como serpientes
más rápido que las olas
que han olvidado su camino
en los grandes mares profundos

o yaafo lε fec lε fεoni efoc

I sing another dirge tonight
And none that heard came to console
The palm trees bear me witness
As their wine stood by my side
I will awake to walk your path
I will trace its footprints
When I march on
On on till I lose sight of you

Beni wctee wcyamc okpo
ni blcgi kumc eshwie
wcnaii anc ni wcbo shuushaa

Does it end there?
With falling leaves
And drying greens
And farming soil

Does it end there?
With falling rain
And scorching sun
And dry windy air

Does it end there?
Strong tide lifting
And anchor drifting
And cables straying

When tears get dry
And clouds roll by
With its darkness
Will it end there?

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