Saturday, 14 May 2016

Creatures from their abode above

The afternoon’s heat cannot hide
These creatures from their abode above
They jump and flap, flap and fly
They still mourn the passing
The sorrowful end of the nobleman
The land paid no reverence
In death his share was photography 

In my den

I will lead you then into my den
Whenever you have nowhere to go
An abode called nowhere
Somewhere where the paths meet the streets
Where your eyes will lead you
Through the corners and curves of nature’s gift
Oh its warmth and tenderness much to be desire
Your opened legs, eyes and mind

No free thing

Where have they all gone to
That he even begs
What should have been given to him freely

Loins that formed me

Father from whose loins formed me
Early and bright my thoughts abound
In the fear of your lord and master

When finally there

We’ll get there
It can be a smile
a path in the mind
that the eyes can’t measure
and when finally there
you’ll not see 
but others around you

Not picking my flies

I stand far away 
like a dog they came around me 
with their waist to dance
They shake their tail around
Not picking the flies that hover around
My bruising crown

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


Blood like water
spilling on the bare earth
There is no time
mother earth to dig
his remains to leave
Hewed and gunned down
By a member of the clan
who spoke his language
and understood him no more
Our earth and its covering is scorched
and all which once sustained us
None but their echoes 
nothing but their ashes remain 
not even the raffia that held the family tight


Drops of misunderstanding when not nipped
in the bud among brothers and neighbours
can soon grow up into an ocean full of 
conflict, aggression and war that an entire
tribe can no longer swim in. 

Dedicated to
Professor Brandon Kendhammer.
Ohio University
African Studies Department.


Thursday, 5 May 2016

Rubbing dried leaves

Can we like branches intertwine
Our love to express?
O how they filled the silence
Together they rubbed their dried leaves
When I raised up my head and first saw you
I heard no more my footstep
But my heart beat
I now know
That I have in vain searched for a heart
When a heart so tender
And caring sought after mine
Why should I let her go?  

Falling tears

Tear drops fell on me like ice
And I wanted to vow a quest
I knew I could not reach
It is my last night today
Tomorrow will not find me here
Again like today with you
If today passes me by
Without saying it to you
Generations, the sky and all eyes
Will never forgive me
O, you are the best thing
That ever happened to me

Moon closed her eyes

When the moon closed her eyes
And the starlet night faded away into a lover’s bosom
All my fruits one after the other fell on the ground
If it were not your grasses which covered the hard ground
I would have been torn apart without repair. 

Under my candlelight

Who opened an alabaster oil
And ceased my sense of smell?
O whose eyes so dazzling,
I see so shining
With a set of white teeth
Sparkling their glorious smile
Over the dark and its cover
The only one I can see.
Come o come
The night will be long
It is a night so young
Don’t miss the warmth
That my light brings.
Come nearer my light
Under my candle light
To see beyond, lives my light
Beyond my light
No other brighter light
To shine your night

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Her Fiery Eyes

O my night sky,
my windows were opened
Not broken
To allow in even these rays
The sun has gone down
And I have never seen her fiery eyes
Fly across my viewing sky
Until now

I want to live

I am living 
but I am not living
I don’t have a life, 
you have my life
and make me live
When you leave 
I will not live
Never leave me, my rib;
I want to live.

Monday, 2 May 2016

I sing another dirge tonight

Amεtee gidigidi
amεba dεkεdεkε
kε amεkoto sεε kpεnshεε kpεnshεε

I will tell you of the times
The times before the fall
Even before the worms
eat up my leaves

Como un encuentro
el encuentro de Korle e Insho
se moverán como serpientes
más rápido que las olas
que han olvidado su camino
en los grandes mares profundos

o yaafo lε fec lε fεoni efoc

I sing another dirge tonight
And none that heard came to console
The palm trees bear me witness
As their wine stood by my side
I will awake to walk your path
I will trace its footprints
When I march on
On on till I lose sight of you

Beni wctee wcyamc okpo
ni blcgi kumc eshwie
wcnaii anc ni wcbo shuushaa

Does it end there?
With falling leaves
And drying greens
And farming soil

Does it end there?
With falling rain
And scorching sun
And dry windy air

Does it end there?
Strong tide lifting
And anchor drifting
And cables straying

When tears get dry
And clouds roll by
With its darkness
Will it end there?