Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Thank you my own

On this mystical path I am blessed
but you, my own, who will have
when i think of it?
The thoughts of you around 
that you will be there
frees me from acts of shame and sham
from crime and eternal cries
For all timely support
through thick and thin
you tack me in night and bright 
like the early morning dew on the tendrils
before the damsels awake to fetch water 
from the wells and oases to nurture
You bless my countenance fallen
like you have always done
ever faithful ever assured
even when I was a stranger
now your love
your own

... thank you my own.

© Emperor Leander David
Dedicated to Proph 25.6.2019

Monday, 17 June 2019

Love unconditional is perpetual. It will only seek to make happy, better and protect not possess.

Without the people there is no family. Every member matters even the little ones. Never destroy any member of the family. When you hurt a member it is really wise to say sorry and even when a member refuses to apologize, know that it is always greater to forgive.

When you see many mass up against you, know you have in possession something of great worth they all want. Let not your heart fear. Don't let go.
The planting time might be over because fruits are showing but it's not over until you taste the yearning fruit. Stay your guard.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

 You will never win if you fight with a heart meant for war when it's only a misunderstanding among friends and lovers. At the end there will be nothing left.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

You will never win if you fight with a heart meant for war when it's only a misunderstanding among friends and lovers. At the end there will be nothing left.

Friday, 12 April 2019

More than a name

I am more than a name
and a face
why look for this alone
to know me?
I am all that
what i ask
talk about,want, think
and all i have not done,
not thought of or said.
I am more than a face
not a mere name.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019


Long gone the feather’s cry
After those with wings mounted them up
Entered ice, silence and motionless
Which took away a tribe’s eyes

Long quenched the night sky with its fire
Which kept our souls alive
And vibrated the cause of society
Now ruins, desert and desolation

Long departed the single eyed man
Who shined above the tree top high
And turned our folks to go gay not this flux of feign smile
This baritone voice without any loveliness

Abandoned within a wind of confusion
A flicker of candlelight in the valley reaches the mountain top
Burns with the tongue and dream of a tribe forgotten and unknown
Still purer: its ideals, values and heritage although flowing within the boisterous dirty waves

© Emperor Leander David
Read on the 31st of March by
Mr. Abdourahamane Diallo
Unesco Representative in Ghana and Head of Office

Monday, 18 March 2019

Prof Kwabena Nketia

Dust to dust and ashes to ashes
was not said of the fine dust
which was blown and now in our entrails
It remains forever relevant
forever in the hearts purer
In the souls fresher
in the minds uncorrupted

Behind the veil I see
a psyche leaves its body,
dark skin so tall that penetrates the skies
A master builder of the times
who once lived in a coast of gold
south of the Sahara
where the Greenwich meridian cuts across

The light at the great hall dimming
Oh Legon loses its own, a professor, a composer
A maestro and father to ethno music
Great masters never fall
they sleep the long sleep
The sleep of the fathers, the ancient ones

We will mourn not your loss
Because we still have them
What you left mankind
What you stood for
Your idles, dreams
Your handiworks, deeds

Oh master, master composer,
master of the arts you are
Nature in harmony you left us
In letters, signs
keys, lines
sounds fine,
tunes in rhymes
They vibrate and echo at the same time

They float and navigate tribes, cultures
A soul that made audible and plain the language of souls
the messages of the powers that be you captured
to shape a whole generation, an era, a civilization a time
There is beauty in harmony of notes
but you led us to unity through musical harmony

Oh master, master mind
Once I sought to see you
but now I have all of you even those who think in line with you
I wanted to hear your voice
but now have it even with the echoes of your voices
I wanted to feel your presence
but now I have more to feel than that,
your overwhelming influence across the seas and beyond the spheres

In the mind’s eye we still see you
A life like a river which flowed in the dirty boisterous waves
yet never lost its colour, fresh smell and taste.

Oh life is death, death’s liveliness and youth, its storm before the calm.
Death is life, life before another begins.
In death is life, a transformed life.
Life never ceases, it pauses several times to renew itself
and transformed into other garbs when death calls
giving way to other different forms of life.

Legon will arise
Ethno music will survive
Whatever you loved will still smile
Wo jogban Emeritus Prof. Kwabena Nketia


Saturday, 9 March 2019

Flower seeds and thistles

He only watched
While his hands were tied at the back
Sighs and tears shed in silence
Will fall on the ground
Your seeds to grow
You will harvest not all alone
But with all your own
Flower seeds can never grow up thistles

Return to its sender

He looked helpless
Yet you gathered all your might and strength
To kick him out
He only erred and he pleaded
Yet you never forgave but for him to only loose his peace
You were at peace
The time had come your winds were his friends
The wild comforted him
Your time has come
The winds return to its sender
Will you survive the wild?

Sunday, 10 February 2019

The good is gone

The good is gone
It was not for long
Forever planted seeds
On the boisterous sea

Monday, 7 January 2019

Cuando todo se vaya

No hay nada nuevo
Todo es lo mismo
El año viene y va
Como la vida
Como humanos
Como yo

Lo que empiece terminará
Donde termine empezará
No hay final
El comienzo
El final es el comienzo

Y cuando todo se vaya
Sólo se quedarán
Su toca
Su beso
Su palabra
Su memoria

¡Viva Ghana y México!
¡Viva La Embajadora María de Los Angeles!
¡Viva la prosperidad y la felicidad en nuestro nuevo año!

Dedicado a Su Excelencia,
La Embajadora de México en Ghana
durante el día del Nuevo año

© Emperor Leander David