Wednesday, 28 February 2018

What you know not

What you know not might be nought
not when you think of it.

What you know not
like darkness, is scary, slippery and gripping.

A step in this darkness
like a million year's walk in eyes blindfolded.

Better it is, not taken
and better it is the humble pie to swallow
to pursue clarity and even make amends.

It pays.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

No, not one.

Is there any excuse?
No, not one.
If even there be
I will say it not
I wont say it all.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

2017 Unesco Poem of The Day

Pressing heavy on the shoulders bold 
in anger, bitterness and regret born
She marches on! 
Her whole life hanging on a hold
imprisoned in a wooden sieve
She marches on!
Weighed down by a baby at the back
lungs exhaling, sweat oozing up 
She marches on!
Weariness disfigured her face
not knowing how far a hand on a third leg will go
when the whole body it holds
She marches on!
While at her side the falling sun rays
a lip opens to close 
in a lost speech 
in unfound thoughts. 
Yet her screams follow her on
her feet painted by the noon dust
to send her hand into her mouth 
finding hope in her beating heart
Oh help her march on!