As far as the present is from the past
So am I far from you
Oh boundaries that made me
That set before the sun, this ancient city.
You moon who guard the rock
Which now stands in the middle of the vast ocean
Why do you hang above the cloudy sky?
Grace bestowed on your forehead
In sparkling eyes
And on lips well cut
Will at last take a bow in a strange land
To strange hands that hold in their possession
That reason why I will soon forsake you
And surely will it come my way
In this fear I wonder along these banks
When I should enjoy what they present.
I am lost in another world
Sweeter and more sour than I thought
Learning each day what comes my way
In a culture opposed to mine
All in the name of my beloved country.
Will I enter this new world
In this new clothing
Singing this new song?
I am here sinking deep
Not knowing if I will rise again
Out of this hold
Or ever from this new found love
By Leander David
Dedicated to Daniela at Christmas, 26/12/2017