Sunday, 3 December 2017

Yo vibro

Sonrisas como flores
vida como muerte
en el medio
yo vibro

Bonita, oh bandera linda
en el ritmo de viento baila.
Su oscuridad me quedo
fresco viva abajo.
Yo vibro

como pesos fueran del mar
como cabras en campo de verde
Dos continentes viven juntos
para realizar única causa yo trabajo
Yo vibro

A ti que te gusta cuidar el planeta
de donde está la bandera: verde, blanco y rojo
Y en el medio el águila come el serpiente
Contigo yo trabajo
Yo vibro
Vibro pero muero a tu lado
Muero porque para vivir
comemos y dormimos
Y qué … y nada mas
Ya no vivo
no te mates
la planeta para salvar
a tu lado

Yo vibro                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Fight your fears

No more be a silent corn
thrown in a fowls compound
Nor run away, a frightened chicken
at the mercy of a hungry hawk
Fight your fears when they come
even the fastest hungry hawk
your grounds stand
Fight it even If you die
like an angry mother hen
at the sight of a predator

@ Emperor Leander David.

Made accessible to social media pages of
Walk The Talk Group/ JP International (Jubilee Projections International)
and their allied pages.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Watching the sea

Silent as the rock remains
at the edge of the sea looking onward
White foamy waves embrace
to drown in a rage boisterous
But silence, dumb founded
overshadowed by their invasion
Solid turned liquid but a moment
Rock and water losing impurities
Rock losing all the water but in puddles
Till they meet again in a clasp

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Guess what?

Sunny the sky with flowers ready to bloom
smiling their white like wool
as they show sets of teeth
Guess what?
Before the clouds thick form and they wither
brewing burning hatred
hot red like scarlets on the faces
meandering their separate path full of thorns
beautiful were the hands which held her waist in the lock

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Fount Of Love

If I must sip but once
and quench an inevitable thirst,
where will I go between two clear rivers?
In onward wonder a river will keep me;
deep reflections of regret, another.
While each step meanders,
thou fount of love
through me that will flow
do find me quick
that perfect outlet slope.
For in weakness I bear this hold
so strong to let you show.

© Emperor Leander David

Dedicated to a fellow traveller, Ruth.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Who Has The Hammer

Eugene Edzorho (b. 1986), Untitled "Governor III" 2017,Rocks from Galamsey sites, Dimension variables

                Break asunder
Chipping the pieces to collect

Washed to refine
To pollute the lot
In your bosom Oh nature

We ruin
We no more drink the ancient waters
The waters of our fathers

They stink
And our catch on the surface motionless lay  
 Whose untimely death our actions caused

Fallowed earth
We’ve lost
We’ve ruined

Like rocks though in pieces
Left to hang above
On our waiting heads will stray and fall

We say aloud and paint them around
“Foreigners  foreigners” as if they did them all
Not locals who in turn their living made
And now join the crowd to hoot and shoot
Our own lurks around while they, we soon deport
Say no more if you can’t punish them all
Foreigners foreigners” as if they did them all”

© Emperor Leander David

Prince Oduro (b. 1996), Stop Galamsey, 2017, Mixed media, 4ft by 4ft 


In support of “Orderly Disorderly”
Ongoing end-of-year-exhibition held by blaxTARLINES Kumasi
Open daily: Monday to Sunday, 8am - 6pm
Closing: Friday, 1st September, 2017.
@ Museum of Science and Technology, Accra.

Made accessible to social media pages of
Walk The Talk Group/ JP International (Jubilee Projections International)
and their allied pages.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017


Matilda my love and Empress
A virtuous woman who will get
Together our paths have intertwined
In love inseparable from the deepest depths of the soul
Laughter, long life, abundance and good tidings I wish you
Dearest love that will be bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh
As long as I live; so let it be..

© Emperor Leander David

Written for Michel
a dedication for her Love, Matilda on her birthday
which fell on 29th of June 2017.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Angel en mi sueño

Oh angel
bastante brilla
me iluminas la noche.
Al cielo me toco
cuando cierran mis ojos.
Ver te espero
en tu elemento
una ola fuerte
que me llevará  
arriba cuando salto
y miedo no tendré si caigo.
Porque sé que estarás
alguna parte, toda parte conmigo
aun en mi sueño
en mi trampa más oscura. 

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

I Won't Drink From Any Again

I longed and desired
when I got lost in your rivers
which carried me not away
but washed the shores of my soul.
I asked to keep a part of you
a part I would have thrown away
but I still have.
It’s right by me now.
Oh I won't drink from any again
than from the calabash I took from you

© Emperor Leander David


First publish by 'Our Empire' on Google blog

Made accesible to social media pages of
Walk The Talk Group/ JP International (Jubilee Projections International)
and their allied pages.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Choruses of Thunder

How can I wear this linen white
and parade this groaning arena and streets?
My motherland burns in mourning
no ashes leaving.
How can I point out at those hands  
which have on them these innocent blood
when they conspired with a voice from home?
This candlelight I must raise but when
and on which stand
so it’s not hidden?
Should the water god still leave along the curvatures of its shores
where the waters clasp at the end of the rainbow
its pot of gold?
I know I shall see the elephant
taking its gorgeous turn, surely when it does
opening up the heavens to break forth
in choruses of thunder.

© Emperor Leander David


First publish by 'Our Empire' on Google blog

Made accesible to social media pages of
Walk The Talk Group/ JP International (Jubilee Projections International)
and their allied pages.

Thursday, 27 April 2017

I have found you

Oh pearl washed clean by the lonely brook
Our only gold covered by the blowing sand
On the meandering path
The last grape still left on the dying vine
Where are you?

Hide not from me while I come
I searched in the harvesting time’s sun
And found not your bloom
Speak no more of looming doom
But how a heart responds to a call
When miles away beyond the seas.

To love is to care
To care is to understand
To understand is to make better.

I search you my love
A precious gift I will die to keep
Pure and spotless I know you will be
Sweeter than sour when all is lost
And I am the only one standing.

Many times I will not spit I wish
When your deeds
fill full my lonely tongue
to bite and to bleed it.

I search my love
I am here!
Where are you…
.. my pearl, my gold, my grape?
I’ve found you.

Viva los novios!


Dedicated to Ema 
her wedding present.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Samuel Barnor

Samuel Barnor

Short and few
My memory recalled
Shocked the news
My ears recount
While I bow my head
Not in shame but respect
To a heart of gold
A tongue of angels
A life loved by men
Even in your death

How has the crown fallen off our heads
And our sceptre now laid low?
Behold thy glory:
Seven Great Princes Academy’s 1998 year group
Dissipates within our high places
The dew of doom
Fell on our lawn
That dawn
And our guard in disarray
Our group will continue to weep for her own:
Our classmate, year mate, friend, dear one and husband
Because he is not

May The Earth lie lightly on him
In the bosom of Abraham’s God
In His perpetual remembrance
In perfect peace, rest

By Leander David
In memory of my JSS School Prefect,
demise on Good Friday, 14th April, 2017.

Date written 18.4.2017

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

The Broken Pot

Onufule is on her way to the waterside
The fountain of the fathers
which has never known dryness
Obishi is in the kitchen
to fill the hut with salt and red oil palm
Mama sits by his side
as she kneads torn socks
Oh the master of all he surveys
drinks his brewed palm
The afternoon’s sun returns to his hut
Onufule who must get to the waterside before sunset
hits her flip-flops against her toes
as she bites away the dusty distance

Where are they to see her dance
and turns every curve and twitch of her maker’s gift
Where are they as the drums run amok to a frenzy
their pretty feet which needs no colouring
adores the rhythmic beats with their steps
Can’t you hear the drums thundering
the flutes enchanting
while the winds blow them in their riots

Beats that charm your fears and tears
and frightens your cheeks
leaving them bloated and buffed
beats that knock at your doors
to invite you to a dance of the elders
and of the ancestors
and cause your head to nod like the lizards
and feet to caress the ground with their taps

I saw these beats turn into impulses
I saw these beats exciting your sensibilities
I saw it drawing you closer and closer
to the prepared land full of flora and fauna
In your hands they turn your swords into plough sheds
and pruning hooks
and breaths into an indelible ink
ever writing the intents of the fathers
of the past and their glorious promises of the future

The beats no more hide under the skins of the drums
This is the night of the full moon
oh can she make it in time?
She runs and walks, her knee jerks her tie
She stretches, raises an arm, in twist and turns
oh her dance, the dance before all
all on her head fell

The ancient pot of the fathers broken
who will mend and patch and glue and heel
who born of woman can?
Oh not in shame the adage said
The one who goes to the waterside
is the one who breaks the pot
but should it be the ancient pot
Well let’s see how the sticks in the drummers hand
said it all when finally at home

serve Papa his soup, Mama said.
My tongue will swim in a pool of red soup today
you have returned sweating?
Ah my tongue will be quenched forever
All was silence…

She will tell her story as the performances unfold.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

A Part Of Me

Many times when we touched
life full of surprises
and our actions barely controlled by the will
but the unseen soul.
I look at you
and see no more what I once saw
but what now draws me closer to you.
I might be wrong about what you want
If for love I have plenty and even some uncooked
All I have given and will give to you
All for that feeling you’ve brought back
which I am glad I shared with you
I am happy you are a part of me
Happy am I because of you…

Sunday, 26 March 2017


Still pressing heavy on the shoulders bold
in anger, bitterness and regret born
She marches on!

Her whole life hanging on a hold
imprisoned in a wooden sieve
She marches on!

Weighed down by a baby at the back
lungs exhaling, sweat oozing up
She marches on!

Weariness disfigured her face
not knowing how far a hand on a third leg will go
when the whole body it holds
She marches on!

While at her side the falling sun rays
a lip opens to close
in a lost speech
in unfound thoughts.
Yet her screams follow her on
her feet painted by the noon dust
to send her hand into her mouth
finding hope in her beating heart

Oh help her march on!

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Between continents

As far as the present is from the past
So am I far from you
Oh boundaries that made me
That set before the sun, this ancient city.

You moon who guard the rock
Which now stands in the middle of the vast ocean
Why do you hang above the cloudy sky?

Grace bestowed on your forehead
In sparkling eyes
And on lips well cut
Will at last take a bow in a strange land
To strange hands that hold in their possession
That reason why I will soon forsake you
And surely will it come my way

In this fear I wonder along these banks
When I should enjoy what they present.
I am lost in another world
Sweeter and more sour than I thought
Learning each day what comes my way
In a culture opposed to mine
All in the name of my beloved country.

Will I enter this new world
In this new clothing
Singing this new song?
I am here sinking deep
Not knowing if I will rise again
Out of this hold
Or ever from this new found love

By Leander David

Dedicated to Daniela at Christmas, 26/12/2017