Saturday, 8 October 2016

I Bade It All Fare Well

As I bade it all fare well
As the reality wind blew over me
And cooled to ashes what has been burnt
I am without her
She is without me
Alone, lonely, frail and feeble
Flowers fine
Memories mountain mine
I fought hard to gain
And very easily I lost
I made my mark
I gave my best
It was worth a try
Than fearing to try it all
Never laugh at my bravery
I bade it all fare well
I am without her
She without me
Life goes on
All that matters

To continue to show love

Drown In That Daze

Dark, darker than the darkest pits
She wore even around her neck and hips
Like the noise of many waters in a dance
Flowing down and never getting down
She sat I stood
Wave it all I couldn’t
But stir and confess and aroused
By this great crowd
Be there here with me
Always, when I go in
Come in, come with it
Always, whenever you pass by my inn
Because I will be there waiting
Your flood to carry me away
Like that day

Who cares if I drown in that daze

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Kangaroo in a putty

In silence I held it to my bare chest
like a little kangaroo in a putty
very delicate when handed over
what was wrapped in my colours.
I only knew little
what she did
till I realized it was more.
I praised not her gift
but what underlain the giving
that has intruded on my innocence
and left in its stead
this endless wonder.