Thursday, 31 March 2016

Agony Of A State

Oh man who walks          -narrator (while actions go on on stage)
You came as far into the premises  (a ghost roams the stage badly
But you lay behind the fence to sleep (dressed like a slave, outcast etc.
Like a commoner   (although at home but none sees him/her
Like a slave
Like an outcast
Though the name of the clan
Is tied to your navel

Blessed be they                                     - Narrator
Parents, family and friends they forsook
to search a land
this land promised of old
promised by the ancient of days
to bless them, those they left behind
on their return

Oh this I see under the sun   -Narrator (scenes of frustrations in life
Once I read it         - bad harvest, dressing like a pauper)
Twice I have seen it         - (preparation for a voyage,)
How our sweat yielded naught -(using unsafe route through, sea,
How the seed time passed       -(road the desert)
And the time of harvest followed
And still nothing in hand to show
Oh this I have seen and more
Did he bid the heavenly gales?
His boat awaits him on the shore
Horses and chariots brought him
Him so high
To set sail on a journey

Another I have seen
Through the desert storm they gathered to thread
Washed by the dusty winds that blew
Smelling of the hot sun’s water brewed under the skin
Oh tattered clothes that speak of him
Who entered with bare feet?
Speeding while on the asphalt
Behind the wheels
as if the end time is come

Life flies into an oblivion
An endless pit irretraceable
Leaving along the curvature of its sphere
Sour bitter sweetness.
An aftermath of the afternoon’s whirlwind at Bongo Tankui
Cooled by the breeze that the opened windows can’t contain
Unless one sits at the door way at lartebiokorshie.

Off the town of Kpon    -Narrator ( search for flood victims in tears)
A place called Kpoi ete I see                 (others are consoled)
In tears, broken and shattered
They call the god of the bees
to vomit out the body of a clansman
all those the flood waters took into the sea
all those the waves have swallowed
and settled in the deep
and now in their bellies full

                                Dance 1
On the sun deck I cannot see                                      -choreography
At those who wave me I weep
Along the shores waiting and wishing

My honey comb to fall, in a sack sweet.
Their words the waves swallow
Their sight the tides hide
Till their efforts and strength subside.
Yet will I soar with the oars
My honey comb in hand across the seas
The rays to trace till my sun sleeps.

Where are our graves?                                                  - ghost
We bid them farewell
In the name of fortune
We have been led on
Without asking the fortune teller
Our bodies float on the waters
Approaching the shore of la Padusa.

Horses that threw down Ananse                                           -ghost
Intikuma now sits on.
The mouthpiece of the god’s
Are now stitched in silence
As if they wear a mascaraed
And none wants to go near them.

Dance 2
The scary nights under the moonlight    -Choreography-(Frightening 
My cries that never went home                  sound from a flute) 
Only fishes came near
And their belly whales full.
We counted the many nights before the single day
We sang our own dirges waiting to perish
We fought not but hanged on to the only tune while it lasted
the beat of the gun shots we heard
and the swift dance of the whales we saw
when will it be our turn we asked?
We were all dead
Dead Before our bodies got to the shore
The cries of the tones of blood
Which drained into the mighty ocean without a trace, I hear.
It is calling
Calling but who hears?
With bait they caught us into their net
And took us all out one after the other from their catch
like fishes to descale like silent sheep to the slaughter

migbooee abahere miee

who will tell the story                                                     -ghost
of how I also sank
as I stand close to my home
I entered its boundaries
But could only lie behind its mud walls
Oh take me home
To sleep with my fathers.

The head of the cat I never took                                        -ghost
When it was served in my calabash bowl
So should I suffer this fate?

I touch my motherland                                                     - ghost
But empty feeling
Not knowing am already gone.
Still waiting my return
With a sack of gold like I promised
And a plough to mow.

                Dance 3
A return in vain                                         -choreography
A return from where the sun has set
Only darkness oh cold unbearable
Only phantoms oh dissipating shadows.

I appear in their dreams at night                                              - Ghost
They forget to tell when awake
Let alone for the clan to act.
They cut loose the raffia that held the living and the dead
They disown their priest and burn their wooden altars.

Who will tell my tale,                                                                - Ghost
My remains to be brought back home
While I languish in la Padusa and Kpoi ete?

Far away from home                                                                 - ghost
I yearn for my fatherland where Nii was buried
Far away from home
Taken away by the flood waters
Circle , alajo, faanofaa, caprice, kaneshie, pamplome, abossey okine
who will take me home?

                Dance 4
who will dip his finger into water - Choreography (ghost who have 
to reach me in this arid realm                       lost way home) 
while my tongue thirst in torment?
who will go to the witch at Egendi?
to pierce through the veil
and show me the way
for I must lie with my fathers
not behind their walls?
who will enter into my sphere to console
while I stand here alone in tears

(Poem Bleoooo, song)
(Ye ma mu osee, song)
The night gathers at la padusa                -Narrator (while actions
Reveals men at shore men carrying their wares       (go on on stage) 
Never leaving the shore but dissipating into the night
Before the morning comes.

Full of strangers their market places are
While they sit at the bars at night not to purchase drinks
I see one dressed as on a journey, kids and luggage too I see
Thicker the night filled with fear and grim
When another I see at the bus stop at dawn
 Chatting while empty busses call
Dance 5
He knew our lot       -Choreography (Flash back)
He had no choice
Many the waters that perforated through our hands
When we went to the waterside  with a cracked pot.
Many the effort of men
Many the spoils of the enemy
When we lost the fight
We ran to fight again someday
Like today

I your king, prophet and priest                         -king (flash back)
I’ve led this host more than Fernando did of old
Or Alexander the great.
Oh shining star that speaks of men so great.
You showed your light in my firmament
What of the night?
Why leave me in the middle of this great ocean and the devil?

Oh tomorrow we shall go                     -King (change of countenance)
Tomorrow will not pass me by
Tomorrow cannot be if I go not

Swift went the king swifter fell the enemy         -Narrator

We saved the empire and   -servant (in scream from the battlefield)

More than eyes have seen or tongue counted before  -Servant (eye 
Tasted the savour of this royal branded steel    (witness from the battle)
While the bloodbath dripped from his mighty right arm
More than a thousand broken limbs went down with him too

we lost a king           -servant (servant breaks down in tears)

He might lie behind the walls but will he rest there?  -narrator

That night he said                   -Narrator (Flash back)
I bid you to swear                                             -King
Swear like the fathers ever did
When the heavy boughs of death lay on their broad shoulders
And could no longer they carry

we swore by the God of our fathers                         -Servant
By the ancient God of old
Who led our brothers to walk through the sea on dry path
After the river turned red,
That your bones rest in the belly of the earth and not burnt;
That should you even lie behind the walls of our fathers
When none could raise your bones across the rivers,
We will leave your bones facing our home

(Gbonyobu mli nyeko be jen  song)

Carrying his remains across the river -narrator (while action 
He slept with his fathers                       (goes on on stage)
Within the walls of their sacred abode like we swore

Dance 6
This is the day                      choreography display
Today the noise of battle ends
The victory song fills the air
The old warrior’s name sinks into our ears
But nowhere to hear them chant it

Today there was something in the sky
The clouds were dark and moon red
The warrior knows best 
But to give his people a leader

Today all our cream of soldiers fell
With him a thousand broken limbs
With the scream and shouts
Today gives his people victory

Today his achievements float on the earth
Today his body sinks below the earth
Today his soul joins the heroes
Today the heavens open for our hero 

Bolga My Queen

In silent moments
Head bowed
We communicate one to another
Hanged under the tree
Tied to a feather
A torso of a bird swinging at their mercy:
The mercy of the calm soft winds

Untamed is this road that led on
On on to this be wilding sight
Who crafted these rocks?
One on the other
Flooding the area of standing trees

mi 1mar1 da mukma
bahati e inmiabih1 lo
mi 1s4l da mukma
bahati e inmiabih1 lo } 2

lo ny1 sera ele tiya tol y1
mi sola ya porba

yaya muterema gbo, Sing1 } 3
(why are you forcing me, Go away)

In Bongo not tango tanga
This great place in bolgatanga
Stones of dua tankui
That grows bigger with time
Just above the earth
Where your solid edges are magnified
Adored and remain

I leave your sweating pores
Amidst the smiles and hugs
Women on their motor cycles
That dominate the streets
And replace its aesthetic emptiness
In bongo not banga or tongo

I sit very close to the dusty path
La cárimε rising up like a huge wall
A whirlwind blowing at noon
At the centre of erected earth
Scattered miles away from each other
Dried grass at its top
And on the streets to bongo
Not tango tongo

In bongo not tango
Our lips will break at her touch
In lines alone that the tongue can count
How I yearn for your smock your boubou
Your air conditioned room at day

I yearn for your akala and koose
Going round your naked street
I sit by them on the street
Akutu and spaghetti on their tables
Laughter and smiles at the stranger from Accra
We watched the night sky in procession
As it matched on with our body clock

Oh my eyes will wish to see
Not the morning rounds for lunch
Nor the chase for ice blocks at the lorry station
Or a return to town
A return to purchase a broken tool
Or a missing bolt

The delay to pick our lunch
The disdain from eyes, its delay
The melt of ice blocks before its usage
The uncontrolled self that must be tamed

But I see their pretty little fingers
Surround us in the crowd
Testifying to our self-fulfilments:  
The water tank, its grandeur
The rush to join us for lunch
The kind and warm reception
Oh these pretty little fingers
How you went through the heat
My shear butter to buy
How I wondered how you are
Far far away my eyes can’t see
Only these fading memories
which brought you nearer

You who hide between the crevices  
Between the shadows of the rock
Beneath the cow dung and the soil
Lone the brushing of the air reveals
Tome bongo
Don’t hide your  brow in your bosom
Come like the cattle scratch the dust off the red earth
Even if with only a hind leg
I will bow in obeisance to your passing  

Oh that night under the tall trees
The night owl has passed
Its cool windy air flowed
Oh sweet night
Seize the cloth of time
And cast your spells
forever on the sleeping sun

Only a night made it all
Seeing the day break take it all
Glued to each other this unseen thought
To be together forever someday
Those sparkling eyes and dazzling smiles

A bed in time was laid
Prepared to be taken when their hands met
Sisters they were by a table shop
Colleagues they were from afar
The hot tea and indomine cooled the heart  

My being will embrace this smell
The smell of groundnut and millet
when in the bosom of your red abode
Zaana will grow her leaves
Even when it is hot dry and humid
And will walk on bare foot
Throughout Anaafu bisi

Teach us to speak like the man from Accra
Yaaba Mary will teach you at St. Anne
Her horses are already at the riverside
I pray they will drink joyfully

Here comes Bukomboko and Zaana
Oh daghters of Bolga my queen
Live long beautiful ones, live long
For where the heat is loudest
Thou have been left

Oh mighty standing legs
Huge like the elephant thigh
Weird how your branches twist
How they manage their unwelcome treat
Zaana sheds her leaves in the rains
Bukombokom, when it is dry, windy and humid
Each waiting her turn to grow her leaves
Each, her turn to shed it
After her sister has done it

Oh lover I leave in the morrow
And like the way I came in more sorrow
Not having time enough your face to stare
Deep down my memory lane
I yearn it was not as long a journey
A return only to see you
Bolga my queen I leave you
And Bongo Tankui not Tongo Tankui

mi 1mar1 da mukma
bahati e inmiabih1 lo
mi 1s4l da mukma
bahati e inmiabih1 lo } 2

lo ny1 sera ele tiya tol y1
mi sola ya porba

yaya muterema gbo, Sing1 } 3

Before Your Shoulders

Until your shoulders came I hid my bright eyes in the rain wetting my tears away

Friday, 25 March 2016

Wasting away

Living corpse
Living on borrowed time
Living mad corpse
Acting on blurred vision
Madness like unmanaged soundness
Wasting away precious breath
Their shameful acts will dim
Their glowing light reflections
On dark waters

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Away from pride and strife
Take respite
For in war no peace abound.
Little provocations ruin the vine
Brewing in its vault this sour wine
Like a deluge, its ruins
Oh war not their peace.
Their loss of peace
Is a threat to your peace
There is no victor but victim
And a win of his ruin
Of his peace
And your peace.
Oh take respite
And pride not in strife
Embrace peace
Seek peace
And pursue it.

The poem of the day read by Mr. Carl Ampah on behalf of Tirso Dos Santos.
on the commemoration of UNESCO World Poetry Day, 21/3/2016.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

I am disturbed not when you don't understand me but when you fail to ask me why