Monday, 16 November 2015

The Stars and Moon

Where have all the stars gone
I asked the fading moon
Alone he lay on a bed of silent expanse
And a sleeping glowing pillow
Alone he shined for all
And none showed him even a smile
Of gratitude nor belonging
Alone the scary nights
The catcalls of the bats
Filled his memory all night
And raging waves his ears
Breathe thou continuously this freshness
While the hands stayed at my side

With this gaze into perpetual endlessness

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Legon, The Pride Of The Stars

Here we are
the pride of the stars
here we are
the black star hanging in the gold
between the flora and the blood
            we call thee to arise
            arise oh Legon arise!

Thou tongue that spits in the heart
thou hand that holds high the sceptre
thou who blazes the trail
thou on whose shoulders we stand
thou who has reached the highest
            to thee we say ayekoo
            to thee our remembrance even from the grave

The old mother of the feeding hills
the hope of the coast of gold
the cloth that covers our nakedness
the silence is deafening
the shining light we await
            we’ve called thee to arise
            fill us full thy enlightened breadth!

When we see the dew fall on our lawn
from thy bountiful sky in the morn
when the tower light at the great hall
has shown the only way through the dawn
surely we shall see thee
            arisen oh Legon arisen
            shining brightest above, among the stars

Thursday, 12 November 2015

After I bubble 'I do'

She wore her cowries
I wore my colours

Shooting star? Changing clouds?
Before I bubble I do

Promise fulfilled held up
Divinely designed dots

Ready to swear into time
On tip-toe not from thick lips

But on her lipstick
After I bubble I do

I will wear her cowries
She will wear my colours