Thursday, 25 September 2014

Little Fingers

Little fingers break no bone
Little fingers break only shell of snails
How your touch lighted up
A dead nerve brighten up
You throw a wave across the sky
To meet up sometime
How time says it all
How beautiful it renders them
How did you come this way?
All again? 
I never thought.

Onward On

Their feet march on
         their bodies remain not
                         their soul will live on.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Oh Terrible Thou Art

Oh terrible thou art
To pass me by
Thou calabash of old age.
I fear thy terrible waters
Sour on the tongue
And gripping my teeth.
I fear thee terribly
Twisted bones at the hips
Growth of contours at the neck.
Descendants of men will pass by thy feet
To lie on them as thou will.
Thy anger is terrible when they provoke thee at their youth
Unbreakable hard as steel
Cooled from the molten furnace when invoked by thee.


Saturday, 13 September 2014

Sons and daughters of the sun

We are sons and daughters of the sun
Are you the sand on which it falls?
Hot and heavy to make you.
This place is our home
You call it Africa, Ghana.
We dance in the music of the rain
In tenderness our souls are nourished.
On the elephants we ride in glory
With the lions and tigers.
We call it beauty
When they grow green
Adorned by their flowers.
We call it peace
When they fall from their heights
And our mother shines through them.
O Africa, Africa, where art thou?
Virgins and wild of the undying mother
Your sons will flourish like the stars in the dark night
And your daughters like the sands at the beach at day.
Forever bowing to your glorious call, o mother.
Forever proud to be from you.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

I guess they call it love

Is it the look on the face
And the smile that receives it
Is it that tap on the shoulders
That warms up the fingers.
I guess they call it love
But is it like a soothing through the whole being
A presence that is longed
That satisfies an unknown thirst
An inexplicable hunger.
Oh she is here…,
He is there…          
Can I tell her?
Should I tell him? 


Pity be the prey...

On the green hill
Hanged lose their dropping wings
Not for a sip but a pick.
Could it not be a worm like a twig
Whose cover was not so swift
Just after its loose: a sudden fall in flight?
Pity be that prey
When the sky and its host
Moisten up their path to trap
In a sticky juicy gel.


A search for rescue

A search for rescue   
Sharp was her cry
That passed into the dim distance
Above the red earth, the dry thatch
Back and forth, side to side
As if being tossed by the wind
… disappeared from sight
Came again two voices
Two bodies in definite direction
Passed me by in flight together
