Friday, 20 September 2013


I met thee, thou flowers of my father’s garden
Behold ye peaceful petals from which all sepals cling to
Hallowed is the hand that now holds you
And has stopped you from giving off your sweet smell

The desolate flower awaits another like you
To colour and draw towards itself
From the blowing winds to support
From the hanging sun its roots to shade

This poem is in remembrance of an aunty who is "Gone but not forgotten". The earth lie lightly on you Aunty Beck.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Who will break his sword

Who will break his sword
And spill out this venom?
Can all the hatred in me
Cause this growth to stand still?
Step by step his pace increases
Young fresh and innocent blood
Still announces his presence
Who will guard their souls
Against his untold strike?
Those who fell are held in his net
Until the great and dreadful awakening

To liberate their restless souls

Who will break his sword

Who will break his sword
And spill out this venom?
Can all the hatred in me
Cause this growth to stand still?
Step by step his pace increases
Young fresh and innocent blood
Still announces his presence
Who will guard their souls
Against his untold strike?
Those who fell are held in his net
Until the great and dreadful awakening

To liberate their restless souls

Friday, 6 September 2013


You fly on my horizon
Like a young beautiful unicorn
In search the intents of the heart
And wherever your feet landed
Grew there the wildest rose free of thorns
Full of incense from the east which men have ever smelled
And had never seen corruption


 You make me shy at the sun
As the glorious winds blow
And cause the eye of man
To throw scorn at me
O greens pretty green grasses
As they viewed me
My green now brown
Like a daughter from the pits
When only my roots remain there
And though by my feet lay
This constant flow from the oasis
Yet i still am expecting
Dark clouds to gather again
Again , me to make green


I had my eye on you
Even when you were far to reach
You lost your legs in the sky
After you dissolved for all eyes to see
But when they have tasted it all
Forgot it all they, your feat
I still cry alone at your passing
Because my shadow went with your passing


The sand dunes are blowing over me
They colour me in joy
Even when my red eyes deepen
Countless times the moon went around me
I just returned from a journey around the sun
O sandy Sahara
Hot and dry they made you
Never to sympathize with our muzzle
Your trade winds as they graze the greens

I desire your rains
Even its storms which precede them
Like smoke from the fire of a burning goat
Its fragrance when they pass me by
Not their water when they come in number
With their tail between their hind legs
Slowly as they sound their trumpets

I thirst your water oh sky
Much more when you are dark
And gathered on high
My tongue shoots up from its cells
Not its teeth to cover
When it comes closer
Only to wet its skin
With all your wells of water


Out of their caves and holes like black ants
The edge of their spears decorated flags tied
Brave men on horses and on foot
Build they a pathway for their king
He, whom all have only honoured in death.

Many who followed
have vilified and heckled
many who opposed
have maligned and defamed
this noble fine gentleman
He, whom they have only honoured in death.

A rush from the castle
brought low he so high
if money could buy a soul on sale
In the belly of the earth he will never lie
He, whom they have only honoured in death

If only the thick dark clouds
Can fall down all as rain
Than hang above our heads
Little showers will grow our little greens
Rather than this thick tension
After his passing away
He, whom they have only honoured in death.

More than a mob
A throng full escorted their king
Rulers across the world
Town folks joined men of war and friends in the air
Friends and lovers on the land
Enemies and foes
Who gathered together as one
Their last respect and farewell to give
He, whom they have only honoured in death

Dedicated to His Excellency President Fiifi Atta Mills.
On the day his mortal remains was taken from the mortuary at 37 Military hospital to the state house (8/8/2012) when his carriage was on the long stretch of road between the Flag Staff house and the 37 Military hospital