Monday, 30 April 2012


Give flowers
To hands that stretch and open
And even when they close their fist
Thorns never give.

Dodge if you can
Talk with a smile
Bear them, their load of hurt
Convince and plead with them forever.

Into their palms let it lie
Guard them lest they fall off
Regard not how soft or hard, their palm
Give them, even the most beautiful

Sprinkle them if they reject it
On their footpaths leave them,
For passersby to know
That you ever gave them

Flowers heal and never bruise
Flowers forgive and never retaliate
Flowers understand because they love
So give flowers

Give flowers to all hands
Not only to those which stretch and open
Never give thorns
Not even once

Thursday, 12 April 2012


If only you’ll wipe it
And think deeply the route before treading
Once is enough to master all arts
Not worrying should again they come
Your windows to knock and call.
 If only you could link it to the past
Invoking to remembrance
In you an immunity
To last for all times
And tears will stick in your eyes no more.

Monday, 2 April 2012

So near I have come

So near I have come
Yet so far I now am
Fruitless seeds
Dead before they were planted
Though alive when them, they received.

Our many efforts
Like treated water flowing into the drains
Like water falling on he back of a duck
Remain my story
To either bear or tell

Clear indications I can see
Clear speechless acts
I can understand and expect
But difficult to let go
What is not working, your dream.

I lighted this darkness
Even with the faintest light
I sounded its bells in the market
Yet no one bought them
My dead seeds remain in the soil

On the heated tarmac and desert
Where no water is
But the winds
Away their nutrients blow
To distill the only oases, our survival
Rendering us infertile, our land

Oh that this vine will grow
Its wine to smear our chest
Our appetite to cure and men to make
Oh that we’ll not be
Like this land this desolation, our story.